Monday, June 1, 2015

Why Even "Print" It to Begin With?

Yesterday we published a comment from a Lexington reader. It's our policy to publish all comments as long as they are not vulgar or libelous. If we see an error in the comment, we point it out. Another local blogger, one who does not publish all comments, has criticized us for, as he called it, "printing" the comment.

Besides letting everyone have a voice here (not to mention the main thrust of the comment concerned Lexington), we felt this was an opportunity to correct a misconception:

This page, no matter who originally created it, has been taken down, as well it should be if Mr. Holden did not authorize it. 


What many readers don't know is the young lady sent home from school over her hair is a relative of a former school board member. Discrimination in reverse?

But here's the kicker...even though the young woman had worn the same color hair for three years, the principal and assistant principal insisted she leave school immediately after being cited for the color. No, gentle readers, that's not the lack of mercy in this tale from last fall. The young woman's mother was forced to leave the hospital where her step-son was having surgery. No delays! Heil the Admins!

And you wonder why the family hired an attorney?


Our policy is to publish your comment no matter if we feel it correct or not. We obviously have the right to rebut your comment. We do not consider ourselves "benevolent dictators," but a facilitator. 

Neither will we ever publish your name if we disagree with you as some bloggers have in the past. We welcome all comments; happy reading!


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