Thursday, January 31, 2013
The Case of the Buried Baby?
On January 4th of this year, Mark Austin Windham, 57, took his own life at his residence. Now the Russellville home located at 82 Hunterwood Circle is the scene of a search for gruesome remains. The diminutive Windham was a registered sex offender who had been convicted of sexually abusing an adult female in Florida in 1978.
A Russellville detective has indicated his department received at least two tips concerning the possible illegal burial(s) in the home's back yard. One account concerned a recent burial, while the second reported a burial that occurred almost four years ago. Windham, whose father was reportedly a physician, was rumored to have harbored runaway girls for varying periods of time.
Cadaver dogs have hit on at least one site in the back yard of the Hunterwood Circle home; excavations will continue tomorrow. Who reported Windham? Our source did not divulge that, but no matter who, it's now too late to ask Windham why.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
How Are Child Support Payments Calculated?
The wonderful world of child support in Alabama is sometimes arcane at best. We've asked several for their input and this synopsis seems to cover most of it:

As I understand it. Child Support payments are mandatory mailed to a payment center in Montgomery. This is for a tracking and accounting system to calculate $$$ for the federal government to send incentive funding to the state.
The Fed's repay the state 66% of the amount collected. After a certain threshold (including the arrears) is met that goes to 90% on the dollar.
In cases of arrears, records are separate for that, but collections on arrears collected by the state are given $1.83 per every dollar collected in federal incentive funding.
I have talked to many in Montgomery and no one can tell us where all this money goes.
The Fed's repay the state 66% of the amount collected. After a certain threshold (including the arrears) is met that goes to 90% on the dollar.
In cases of arrears, records are separate for that, but collections on arrears collected by the state are given $1.83 per every dollar collected in federal incentive funding.
I have talked to many in Montgomery and no one can tell us where all this money goes.
I don't know how the monies are calculated for Lauderdale to get $358K. Some counties are not reporting any.
We welcome any new input into this matter. Now the salient point is: Do district attorneys encourage court ordered child support in opposition of civil (as in polite) agreements of shared custody and support? We welcome input into this question also.
To be continued...
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Munday, Munday/From Public Trust to DA
Brandon Shane Munday's career in law enforcement is a prime example of the word "checkered." His vehicular homicide trial is scheduled to begin next month, the children of the couple he killed while driving have filed a civil suit, and now the former North Courtland officer is facing federal charges for using excessive force at a traffic stop. It seems there is, or at least was, another incident for which Mundy was being investigated. It was reported in August 2010:
The officer involved has a case in which he was seen by witnesses beating a teenager that was trying to do what the officer was telling him to do. He just didn't do it fast enough for him.
Related posts:
Cowboy Cop
Thin Blue Line
Yesterday we commented on the extra dollars child support cases may bring a county; in other words, the more collected, the more extra funding. While we're discussing Lauderdale County specifically in this series, other North Alabama counties have also reaped the benefit of this program. For the fiscal year October 2011-September 2012, the district attorneys of these counties received funds from the Public Welfare Trust Fund:Colbert County -- 224K+
Lawrence County -- 150K+
Lauderdale County -- 358K+
Madison County -- 460K+
Just what is the Public Welfare Trust Fund? From the Alabama Department of Finance:
Public Welfare Trust Fund - This is the major operating fund of the Department of Human Resources. It is mainly funded by the whiskey tax and the Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board profits, sales tax, franchise tax, beer tax, as well as federal funds. The PWTF also receives annual appropriations from the State General Fund and the Education Trust Fund.
Tomorrow: A closer look at Lauderdale County and one of its cases...
From D.K.:
Re: Parole Hearings, a Parole Board member Mr Robert P. Longshore will be on WAFF Channel 48 at 10:00 Thursday Night. We are blessed to have a good Parole Board--they have a difficult job.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Child Support Is Big Money
There's a thin line between transparency and publicity, as least in government. Both the City of Florence and Lauderdale County do the best job of self-promotion among other towns and counties in the northwest Alabama region. Google either one, and you'll find a plethora of information at your fingertips. Much of it may not look that relevant to the reader, but is nevertheless revealing.
We read frequently of the budget cuts to local courts and offices of district attorneys. Yet one area of the Lauderdale's district attorney group seems to be booming. Take a gander:
Now, let's return to the main page of this informative site. Looking under the topic of "Investigators," we find that the child support unit has its own investigator. Obviously investigators could be used to find some deadbeat parents, but why does the district attorney's office have a special detective whose only assignment is to find these disappearing parents?
The answer is, no matter how much money is used to find and prosecute these deadbeat parents, the county (read: district attorney's office) brings in much more for every dollar collected. These jobs not only pay for themselves, but bring in extra revenue.
To be continued...
Sunday, January 27, 2013
The Lard Can is Rusting
The majority of people alive today didn't enter the world until after World War II. Yet many, at least here in the South where the population is more static and given to archiving tales of eccentricity, have heard stories of the deprivation the global conflict brought to even the decidedly non-cosmopolitan Shoals. Rationing was real and not confined to only gasoline.
The Florence Packing Company produced several meat products, all of them affected by mandatory pricing freezes. One such product was lard, a county cousin to Crisco Shortening and a necessary element in 1940's cooking. Rather than sell the canned lard at a price it deemed too low, the Florence Packing Company stored it in hopes of a quick end to the war and rationing. The result was countless cans of the product that sat in a back storage room, meeting their demise via the rust that entered through the metal cans. In the end, the meat packing company lost money, and Shoals area families lost out on some home cooking. No winners there.
From the moment any structure is built, it starts to deteriorate. The Jackson Ford Bridge (Ghost Bridge) is the most recent example of such deterioration unchecked. We can blame Lauderdale County for not maintaining the edifice, but no one spoke up when this was, or should we say wasn't, happening. It's a fact of life that not all historical property can be saved. Neither can those in power or those who advise them agree on what should be saved and what should meet the wrecking ball.
Our friend Mary Carton writes an extremely interesting and informative blog entitled The Tuscumbian. In a recent post, Mary enumerated several Tuscumbia structures which are in danger. The most urgent building is the Hunt House (pictured). The home's owners reportedly don't want to live there, but refuse to sell the property at a reasonable and attractive price. Across the Great Divide in Lauderdale County, the Weeden Home stands unoccupied, its owner Susan Leigh Smithson reportedly still asking nine million dollars for the ante bellum structure and its surrounding property.
At the right price, there would obviously be willing buyers who would restore both homes to their lost elegance. At the current asking price, all we can expect is an even faster deterioration until too little remains to be saved.
The lard can is rusting...
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Questions? We Got 'Em
A frequent commenter has noted Muscle Shoals Mayor David Bradford was absent from work 60 days last year. Upon checking with our sources, Mr/Ms Mal is totally correct. Now the question would seem to be: Just how long is Turtle Season in Northwest Alabama?
The Westminster Interfaith Caring Place, an adult day care, is in dire straits thanks to plans for RegionalCare's new hospital. When last we checked, CEO Russell Pigg has agreed to aid displaced renters financially; why not this worthwhile and much needed endeavor?
The Jackson Ford, aka Ghost, Bridge is almost history. The county is paying Shotcrete of America to remove what's left of the dilapidated structure. We have to ask if at least some of the work could not have been done by Lauderdale County Detention Center trusties? And what of the scrap metal from the dismantled edifice? Does it belong to the county or is Shotcrete charging to haul it away and then selling it? And why doesn't the TimesDaily ask these questions?
Friday, January 25, 2013
Why Was This Child Sexually Abused?
She's five years old and lives with a neglectful grandmother. For all practical purposes, her father is gone from her life forever, and any thinking, caring adult hopes her mother is also. She didn't ask to be brought into this world or to be handed from one purported caregiver to another. Many have reported her situation to Colbert County DHR, but nothing has been done to provide the child a safe home until now--now that she's been sexually abused.
We're using the term "sexual abuse" since we're not sure if "sexual torture" is more appropriate or not. The grandmother isn't sure either. Nor is she sure how long this forced mutual touching by a man in his 30s has been going on. The grandmother, who has been trying to adopt this unfortunate child, seemingly thought nothing of leaving the young girl with a man whom she apparently barely knew.
What do police say? They say they haven't been able to catch up with the suspect to question him. What do we say? We say that we've previously reported this woman's inability to care properly for the child twice...and we will report it again. We say why would any trained social worker even consider allowing this woman to adopt her granddaughter?
We hope to have a copy of the Muscle Shoals police report by early next week and will publish it then. In the interim, we urge all our readers to pray for the safety of this child.
The TimesDaily just published an article on the parole status of Dana Myhan Allen which quoted the Lauderdale County District Attorney: "...we had several letters that had been sent to us from members of the Wilson community that were opposing (Allen’s) parole.
If anyone seeks any input into the parole process, it's best to write the parole board directly. Include the subject's AIS number with the other pertinent information. This information is easily found online, and we have previously published the info for several offenders here.
Allen's sentence is relatively short, but many in the system may remain incarcerated long after current district attorneys leave office. Files can be discarded or lost locally before ever being forwarded to Montgomery. Allen will be released on December 19, 2013, unless her behavior warrants loss of accrued Correctional Incentive Time.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
"Scoggins Cannot Be Convicted of Possession of a Fireman"
Former Muscle Shoals Police Officer Greg Scoggins, along with Colbert County attorney Billy Underwood, has filed suit against the city. The suit involves five counts and is lengthy; however, much of the wording is so profound, and sometimes downright humorous, we've publishing it here in its entirety:
Comes now Greg Scoggins, by and through his attorney of record, William J. Underwood, and states unto this Honorable Court as follows:
1. That a hearing was had on or about the 18 th of January, 2013 concerning Scoggins’ appeal of a decision by the Mayor of Muscle Shoals, Alabama.
2. Pursuant to the language in said Civil Service Act that has been passed by the Alabama State Legislature, Scoggins is appealing the ruling of the Civil Service Board in upholding the decision of the Mayor.
For the following reasons, your Plaintiff is appealing this decision:
The Civil Service Board was prejudiced against Scoggins and refused to hear evidence to show their prejudicial proclivity.
1. Scoggins had subpoenaed all the department heads who were at a hearing where the Civil Service Board met on or about the 11 th of January, 2013. Scoggins expected some of the department heads to say some of the members of the Civil Service Board were prejudice in this case and expressed their prejudice in conversations with the Chief of Police, Robert Evans.
2. Scoggins verily believes that one of the Civil Service Board members asked Evans what procedure they should be following and Evans shot back that they were the ones over the procedures; it was their rules.
3. The Civil Service Board told Scoggins they would allow him to put evidence on of their prejudicial nature after the City of Muscle Shoals had presented its evidence.
4. Scoggins, thereinafter, tried to put evidence on to show prejudice of Civil Service Board. The Board refused to allow any witnesses.
5. In a case in the Circuit Court of Colbert County, Alabama, the aggrieved party who was not allowed to enter evidence is always allowed to make a proffer or proof for the record so that he could show what he expected the evidence to say. The City of Muscle Shoals Civil Service Board refused to allow Scoggins’ attorney the right to even make an offer of what some of the department heads on the Civil Service Board would have told the tribunal and allow that to be in this record before this Court.
6. A Russian soldier in the German concentration camp prison, Auswitch, had a fairer chance of being pardoned than Scoggins did in front of this tribunal.
WHEREFORE, THE PREMISES CONSIDERED, Scoggins’ Constitutional right to show the prejudicial nature of the Civil Service Board and to proffer evidence regarding their proclivity to have already ruled against him was stymied by their failure to allow him to even make a record.
The Civil Board made arbitrary and capricious rules, were violative of Constitutional provisions, and acted in excess of the authority conferred by this act on the Civil Service Board.
1. The entire nature of the proceeding was void of any interaction that could be had by Scoggins’ attorneys with the witnesses.
2. When Scoggins’ attorneys had stated that the Board had received at least two hours of instruction on how to run their meetings, they all single-mindedly and vehemently stated “that was not true” and they “had never received any information on how they should be conducting Civil Service Board hearings.
3. Scoggins attempted and wanted to put, before the Civil Service Board, evidence of selective prosecution. The Civil Service Board disallowed any evidence of selective prosecution and would not allow Scoggins’ attorneys to make any proffer or offer of proof of evidence that would be on the record for this Court.
4. Scoggins’ attorneys will show this Court that people had violated the tenants of the Civil Service Board rules and had been treated disproportionately more lenient than Scoggins. His attorneys attempted to put in specific references to Group II violations by individuals who were governed by the Civil Service Board and said Board refused to hear any of those specific violations.
5. The Civil Service Board made no ruling on whether or not Scoggins should have received a lesser penalty. Scoggins had requested the Board to consider giving him a lesser penalty.
WHEREFORE, THE PREMISES CONSIDERED, Scoggins’ Constitutional rights were again violated which disregards this record because the Civil Service Board of Muscle Shoals refused to allow any offer of evidence concerning Group II offenses which were treated more leniently than his offense.
The Civil Service Board went into executive session and voted in violation of the Alabama Open Records Act.
1. Under the Alabama Open Records Act, the Civil Service Board could not go into executive session and vote in regards to Scoggins’ penalty.
2. The Civil Service Board went into executive session and voted. An exhibit that should be with the record shows the secret vote. All of the Civil Service Board members voted only to uphold the Mayor’s recommendation. They did not make any findings of fact nor did they make any findings of fact in regards to Scoggins’ request that they give him a lesser penalty.
3. To say that the Civil Service Board was quasi-judicial would require them to make findings of fact. There is case law from the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals in a case out of Gadsden, Alabama that the Civil Service Board must make findings of fact which would show they were quasi-judicial. This Civil Service Board, in violation of the Open Meeting Act, only voted to uphold the Mayor’s decision and did not make any findings of fact; thus it fails to be a quasi-judicial board.
William Moore either forgot or made statements under oath that were utterly false.
1. The Civil Service Board entertained testimony from William Moore, who works at the Water Treatment Plant.
2. William Moore was asked by Scoggins’ attorneys if he was supposed to receive the deer head from the Game Conservation Officer when all of this was over.
3. The fact that he would receive the deer head would be construed as payment for his testimony and not allowable under Alabama Law.
4. Moore has made statements to his supervisor and supposedly a member of the Water Board that he was going to receive the head of the buck after this case had been tried in Colbert County District Court. Said statements made under oath by Moore were false and Scoggins believed knowingly made of the proof of their falsity.
WHEREFORE, THE PREMISES CONSIDERED, this matter should be returned to the City of Muscle Shoals after the Court takes testimony from individuals at the Water Board who will state Moore’s testimony was false.
Scoggins cannot be convicted of Possession of a Fireman.
1. The Chief of Police, Robert Evans, found that Scoggins was guilty of Possession of a Fireman. The hearing before the Mayor resulted in the same finding:
Scoggins was in Possession of a Fireman. The Civil Service Board did not make any corrections to the mischaracterization of what Scoggins’ supposedly was in violation.
2. The fact of the matter is Muscle Shoals Police Officers are allowed to carry other weapons in their vehicle in contradiction of the section the Civil Service Board allegedly upheld in the Mayor’s ruling. Captain Clint Reck testified under oath that members of the Muscle Shoals Police Department are allowed to carry their own weapons in their police car. You cannot convict someone of being in violation of possession of firearms, misnamed as possession of a fireman, when the Chief of Police has a different rule.
WHEREFORE, THE PREMISES CONSIDERED, this action should be sent back with instructions to the Civil Service Board to dismiss any findings of fact in regards to possession of firearms as there are two different rules followed by the police department and the Civil Service Board in regards to said statutes.
Scoggins prays that after the Court looks over the record and the Constitutional violations made by the Civil Service Board, it will order certain accusations against him be dismissed by operation of law and return the other accusations for a new trial where Scoggins can put evidence on to show selective prosecution, failure of the Civil Service Board to treat his penalty in regards to other penalties meted out by department heads in Muscle Shoals, and failure of the Civil Service Board to hear testimony of what appeared to be their prejudice and bias against Scoggins before the hearing was ever had.
Respectfully submitted this the 22 nd day of January, 2013.
From D.K.:
On Jan. 22 , the Parole Board turned down the Parole of Christopher D. Berry for the max of 5 years, Berry pleaded guilty to Manslaughter and received a 20 year sentence in the death of Sidney Carson Cox, both of Colbert Co.
Thanks to Alabama Attorney General, VSO Ashley Harbin, VOCAL, all the Local and State Elected Officials for their protest letters and for Sidney's sister, Sarah Thompson, for speaking. Thanks so much to the parole board.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Muscle Shoals Travel Budget
Several readers have asked our opinion of the 30K annual Muscle Shoals travel budget. The budget does look odd when compared to the relatively meager 7.5K spent in the much larger city of Florence. Is Muscle Shoals that much more active in recruiting, etc.?
We asked a contact in Muscle Shoals who felt the budget was not excessive considering the city's recruitment of foreign business. Another source provided us with this breakdown:
On a more serious note, the State of Alabama may soon be abandoning its role in liquor sales. Most other states which once played such a part in the sale of alcohol closed their retail outlets years ago. Should the state be in the booze business?
We say no, but recent articles on the subject have brought to light some interesting facts. Apparently when states control much of the retail market, sales are lower since such stores close earlier than their private counterparts. What? You mean people don't just drive elsewhere to get it? Then we've been lied to all these years?
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Dolphin Pooh & the Axeman
We've gotten an extremely interesting and witty comment from "Pat," asking tongue-in-cheek at what dating site Dolphin Pooh, aka Patricia Edmon Ayers, met her online lovers. We can just imagine how DP's ad would have read:
My name's Dolphin Pooh and I'm 32 (that's my wrist measurement, btw). I'm married to a wonderful man who slays dragons in his spare time. He might be willing to move up to turtles if that's what you're in to. We're looking for someone to make up a threesome, but if you'd rather have another female, my seven year-old daughter is available. She doesn't talk due to development issues, so you don't have to worry about her ratting us out. Choking is fine also, but I do draw the line at death and dismemberment. However, if it gets that far with you and someone else, I'll be happy to visit you in jail.
Yes, folks, Patricia's fourth online (and up close and personal) lover was the Axeman (name edited), also known as Ron Wikkid Weems. Among the approximately 20 photos Patricia sent her four guys, four contained nudity not appropriate for this blog. We were able to censor one, but the other three were a lost cause (use your imagination). Yes, all were taken outside by an unknown photographer. We going to assume if Patricia had close neighbors before the pin-up shoot, they quickly found new digs.
It seems that, at least at one time, Patricia was one of three on Weems' visitor list at the Colbert County Jail. Now that she's incarcerated herself, we doubt she'll be getting across the river that much. Was she still on his visitor's list at the time of her arrest? That we don't know. If she was, perhaps Ron was trying to turn her life around, he being recently baptized and all. It certainly wouldn't be because she was putting money on his books, now would it?
Look at it this way, it could have been a lot worse. She could have already been drawing her disability (read: our tax dollars at work) and using it to support Ron Wikkid in jail. Ain't love grand?
Monday, January 21, 2013
Patricia Ayers: Stripper, Swinger, Abuser
Patricia Edmon Ayers is a woman of many talents, or so she says. Her business claim to fame is that she is good at producing organizational charts. Alas for Patricia, we've seen some software that makes it so easy even Bonzo could do it. What else do we know about Patricia?
Yes, it seems two of Patricia's three children are males. We're guessing husband Matthew just wasn't into boys. Oh, and her marriage? Yes, it seems she was already married when she began her relationships with the other three men. One of these three lives in Texas; the other unnamed online lover is local and advertised for nude models. We wonder what he thought of Patricia.
Not only does Patricia use the screen name Dolphin Pooh, she's also known as Sapphire Dragon. She's a "Pagan Mommy," who has dreams of building a special room for her alternative lifestyle.
A little bondage and S&M, Patricia? We assume she had plenty of time for this since she was not working and had filed for a disability. On what she based her claim, we don't know. Consenting adults may do what they wish, but when they bring their small children into the mix they cross not only a moral line, but a legal one.
Patricia has stated that she owns three computers. We know the Lauderdale County Sheriff's Department has confiscated them plus other electronic devices and according to our sources there, more charges are likely to be presented to the grand jury.
Anyone out there really like Patricia Ayers? Apparently someone in Colbert County liked her bunches. You, gentle readers, are probably thinking only someone with quite a sexual addiction could like Patricia--pagan, would-be witch, cheater, stripper, abuser of her own child; and you would be right.
Tomorrow: Patricia's Fourth Lover
Sunday, January 20, 2013
The Next Lauderdale Sheriff: Rick Singleton
Last week retired Florence Police Chief Rick Singleton announced that he would be a candidate for sheriff in 2014. Will he win?
Mr. Singleton could easily win on his merits alone, but considering the number of lawsuits currently facing the county, plus a possible FBI investigation of the sheriff's department, the veteran lawman should be a runaway victor.
We urge any of you who don't know Rick to begin your research now. Compare and compare some more. Isn't it time Ronnie (Pass the Donuts You Pretty Young Thing) Willis retired to Greenhill?
Monday, January 21, 2013
6:30 p.m. Kick-off Meeting 2013
Steelworkers' Union Hall at the corner of Wilson Dam Road and Avalon Avenue in Muscle Shoals
It's time to pay dues for 2013
$20 for Regular members, $5 for Students, $200 for Lifetime members
For additional information, e-mail
or call 256-764-0016
What does Boulder, Colorado, have in common with Muscle Shoals? In case you missed this link on our Facebook page, be sure to read:
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Dolphin Pooh & Her Four Lovers
The title of today's post may be slightly misleading, so if you are two of Dolphin's lovers who aren't currently incarcerated, we're not going to name names. Rest assured if we have your names, so does the Lauderdale County District Attorney's office--just in case you've been receiving or producing any child porn.
Our more sedate readers are obviously asking who is Dolphin Pooh. It seems DP is the screen name/e-mail moniker of Patricia Edmon Ayers, currently held on almost insurmountable bond in the Florence-Lauderdale Detention Center for producing pornographic images of her then seven year-old daughter.
In July 2011, Ayers sent several photographs of herself in various stages of undress, some posed in a manner we assume she thought was sexually appealing, to four men. One of the men was her future husband, Matthew Ayers. Matthew's screen name is Mystik Dragon Slayer--just the perfect touch to add to a resume' seeking professional employment in a highly competitive world.
Obviously several things are odd about these e-mails. We have to wonder why the now Mrs. Ayers would have sent them as a group. If we can see the missives were sent to four different men, the recipients could also. Was she pitting one against the other, or did she just not realize the men would see that at least three others were also the benefactors of her photographic favors?
The second question that readily comes to mind? Did Patricia Edmon Ayers really think she was Playboy material? Always keep your kit on is something most mothers teach their daughters at an early age. Just how desperate was Patricia for a little male attention? Desperate enough to offer her own daughter as an enticement?
While the above revelations are shocking enough, it's the name of her second lover that boggles the mind. Readers will just have to wait until Monday for that revelation and some (censored) pics of Patricia in the nude. We don't think the subject is at all appropriate for the Lord's Day.
Tomorrow: The Man Who Will Replace Ronnie Willis
Friday, January 18, 2013
Another Chinese Fire Drill?
A friend of ours recently called the goings-on at the Barton Navistar plant a "Chinese fire drill." Also falling into that category is the Alabama Music Hall of Fame, now closed again. Instead of rushing to reopen, wouldn't it be more logical to work first on long range plans for financing? Just a thought...
Speaking of "fire," one Muscle Shoals fire fighter took great umbrage to yesterday's blog on possessing firemen in that city. You know, if you have to explain a joke, it seems to lose something, but rest assured those demons on Avalon Avenue were not the firefighters, but beings we speculated were hanging out on the popular thoroughfare attempting to capture the souls of Muscle Shoals' finest. Ergo the need for a law against possessing them.
As for the accompanying photo? Ahem...if you can't take a joke, well, let's just say most of our readers loved it. We also hope most firefighters found it complementary, not condescending.
We'll also add a correction. The letter to Greg Scoggins that we published was not from the Muscle Shoals Civil Service Board, but from the Mayor/Turtle Slayer David Bradford himself. Look for Alexis Denisof to play the Slayer in an upcoming TV movie of the week.
Remember Patricia Ayers? Sure you do--Lauderdale County's candidate for mother of the year. It seems Patricia has some interests in her life besides casting spells and taking lewd pictures of her young daughter. If you think there's nothing that could make you think less of her, stay tuned.
We hope most mothers place their children first. We know one that seems to be on the right track, and we salute her. Hang in there; by this time next year we predict a whole new ball game and a whole new life.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
You Can't Possess a Fireman in Muscle Shoals?
Now Illegal in Muscle Shoals
Most of us have read lists of silly laws--you know, things like you can't legally carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket. Well, it seems the fair city of many sins, also known as Muscle Shoals, has a similarly silly law. Below is copy of the Civil Service Board letter to former police officer Greg Scoggins:
Dear Mr. Scoggins:
As a result of the pre-disciplinary hearing held at city hall on Thursday, January 3,2013 in which you were present along with your attorneys, Mr. William J. Underwood, and Ms. Johnnie Franks, and after review of the entire matter, you are hereby notified that the termination of your employment with the City of Muscle Shoals, Alabama is upheld.
Section of the Personnel Policies and Procedures of the City provides that a notice of dismissal be given to you. This letter will serve the written notice of dismissal and the following information is provided:
(a) Your employment with the City of Muscle Shoals, Alabama is terminated and you are dismissed effective Friday, January 4,2013.
(b) The dismissal is due to violation of Section Fireman Possession. Section 83.3.11 Flagrant Safety Violations, and Section Conduct Unbecoming an Employee.
As a result of the pre-disciplinary hearing held at city hall on Thursday, January 3,2013 in which you were present along with your attorneys, Mr. William J. Underwood, and Ms. Johnnie Franks, and after review of the entire matter, you are hereby notified that the termination of your employment with the City of Muscle Shoals, Alabama is upheld.
Section of the Personnel Policies and Procedures of the City provides that a notice of dismissal be given to you. This letter will serve the written notice of dismissal and the following information is provided:
(a) Your employment with the City of Muscle Shoals, Alabama is terminated and you are dismissed effective Friday, January 4,2013.
(b) The dismissal is due to violation of Section Fireman Possession. Section 83.3.11 Flagrant Safety Violations, and Section Conduct Unbecoming an Employee.
(c) You have the right to appeal the dismissal as set forth in Section 8.7 Appeal of the Personnel Policies and Procedures of the City which reads as follows:
A covered regular status employee may appeal, within ten (10) days, any disciplinary action taken against him to the civil service board in accordance with the guidelines of Chapter 9 of these policies and procedures.
A covered regular status employee may appeal, within ten (10) days, any disciplinary action taken against him to the civil service board in accordance with the guidelines of Chapter 9 of these policies and procedures.
You'll note that Section relates to "possession of a fireman." Could it refer to all those demonic beings that hang out on Avalon Avenue? Or maybe it's a sexual reference--not enough Muscle Shoals jailers to go around, so now the criminal element has moved up to firemen.
Since January 1, 2013, the Lauderdale County License Commissioner’s office, other county license plate issuing officials, and Alabama law enforcement officers have been using a new online automobile insurance verification system, allowing them to immediately verify the insurance status of a vehicle. The system, the Online Insurance Verification System or OIVS, was created to meet the new requirements of Alabama’s mandatory liability insurance law. The mandatory liability insurance law in Alabama requires all drivers have a minimum of $25,000.00 of liability insurance on their motor vehicle.
Lauderdale County License Commissioner William Smith and his staff say adjusting to the new system comes with some new inconveniences to county residents and additional work for his office. Commissioner Smith said, “We have discovered that to comply with the new state system, we need three documents from Lauderdale County residents when they are trying to acquire or renew a tag. First, we need a valid driver’s license or copy for every driver on the vehicle title. If you do not have a valid driver’s license, then we need a state issued identification card. Second, we need proof of current insurance for each vehicle. It should include the policy number, NAIC number and VIN number. The best way for county residents to show proof of insurance is with their insurance card. Third, we ask our county residents to bring their tag renewal form.
According to the Insurance Research Council, Alabama’s uninsured motorist rate is estimated to be 22 percent. This percentage ranks Alabama sixth nationally in states with the highest percentage of uninsured drivers. Alabama’s mandatory liability insurance law went into effect several decades ago. It is designed to reduce the number of drivers in Alabama who do not have any automobile insurance and are involved in a wreck. Since one in five of all Alabama drivers on the road are with no insurance, this is a big risk to Alabama drivers who are following the law and have purchased automobile insurance.
In the past, some Alabama drivers would sign up for insurance coverage long enough to get an insurance card. They would subsequently cancel their insurance policy, leaving them uninsured while driving. The new verification system was designed to help reduce the number of drivers who drop insurance coverage once they have registered their vehicles.
Lauderdale County License Commissioner William Smith encourages residents not to wait until the last days of the month to renew their tags. Commissioner Smith says, “Lines at the Lauderdale County License Commissioner’s Office for tags and titles are normally longer near the end of the month.” Longer lines and longer waiting times to process each tag can result in people having shorter patience.
Commissioner Smith asks, “Please be patient with us during this transition period of working with the new online automobile insurance verification system. We work for the people of Lauderdale County and want to make their experience at the Lauderdale County License Commissioner’s Office as pleasant as possible.”
Lauderdale County residents can always avoid the end of month rush by buying their tags earlier in the month or online at, for a small additional fee. The new law is there for the benefit of all Alabama residents. This time of inconvenience will be forgotten if you are in a car wreck and all the involved parties have insurance.
The Lauderdale County License Commissioner’s office is located in the Lauderdale County Courthouse Annex, 102 South Court Street in downtown Florence. For more information, contact the Lauderdale County License Commissioner’s Office at 256-760-5833 or visit
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Abuse of System in Sheffield?
Former Sheffield Police Chief Greg Ray is currently on paid leave pending a civil service board hearing. That means the City of Sheffield is paying both Ray and his interim replacement, who is also fire chief. How much is this costing the city? We have no firm idea since Dewey King was already on the payroll. We do have a concrete idea that Mr. Ray feels his days as chief, working or on leave, are numbered.
Ray is paying Colbert County attorney Tony Hughes to defend him of charges related to malfeasance. The hearing, already postponed once, was scheduled for January 17th; on the 14th, Hughes requested the subpoena of several witnesses. Obviously, the subpoenas could not be processed in three days time--something we imagine Hughes, our readers, and Hong Kong garbage truck workers would probably be cognizant of.
Either former Florence cop Tony Hughes just received some extremely pertinent new information, he isn't doing his job, or he's attempting to manipulate the system in Sheffield. Only the first possibility is an acceptable one. We have to wonder why Chief Ray didn't hire Billy Underwood. We don't know his going rate, but he does get things done.
Have fond memories of the Norwood Theatre? The site of the popular movie house in the Seven Points area of North Florence is now Pocket Park, but when first constructed in the latter half of the 1940s, the small theatre caused some controversy. It seems that construction materials were still in short supply, and building permits were issued for only necessary structures. The permit to build the new movie house originally stated it was to be a grocery store. After construction began, some savvy observers reported to the city that it was the only grocery store they ever saw with that much gradient to the floor, but by that time the building was well under way.
Don't you miss those days of dissembling to get around all those pointless government regulations? No? Oh, you just visit Muscle Shoals when you feel nostalgic for them.
If you just adore the Norwood theatre card pictured above, it can be yours for only 3.00 and shipping. Between YouTube and eBay, who can't relive their childhood? Link
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Sins of the City?
![]() |
Muscle Shoals City Hall |
And just what other "sins of the city" was Mr. Underwood referring to? Would they have called Mayor Bradford? Would they have questioned the exact number of killer turtles the former police officer has slain while on duty?
Now that Greg Scoggins is headed for circuit court, perhaps his attorneys will advise him that a windbreaker isn't exactly proper attire for such legal proceedings. Or maybe after paying his attorneys' fees the unemployed Scoggins couldn't afford a new suit?
That pesky Sunshine Law has again popped up. More lawsuits against Muscle Shoals. This one seems much more winnable for Scoggins, assuming he would be entitled to punitive damages for the board's faux pas.
Do you wonder if certain elected officials and/or boards just do what they want on the grounds that they mean well? And after all, why would the Sunshine Law apply to them; they're so special.
A commenter has brought up the DUI conviction of Tuscumbia Police Chief Tony Logan. Logan appealed his conviction not on his claim of innocence, but on the claim of a questionable law. Not a very good example, but as far as we know he hasn't been shooting any innocent turtles either. Sadly, if Logan's legal battle is any indicator, we'll be reading about the Scoggins case for years to come.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Bradford & Blame
Cities are like people; they have to grow and evolve. Florence and Tuscumbia are the senior citizens of the Shoals. Muscle Shoals was the brainchild of Henry Ford and experienced years of failure to thrive. We've heard many in Sheffield government laughed when Hwy 43 was scheduled to be rerouted; why would they want it? Yet Muscle Shoals did want it and grew into an unorganized series of metal buildings, mini-malls, and gasoline stations.
The city government is very similar to the the physical town itself. Attempts to form a downtown area can be compared to attempts to reform city departments that have been without proper regulation for too long. We regularly receive complaints about its police department--many we have attributed to those who have run afoul of the law, in other words, suspect.
Today Pen-N-Sword published an article by J.J. Ray which lauded Mayor Bradford, proclaiming tales of turtle murder are smoke and mirrors to take the heat off Greg Scoggins. As we did two days ago, we agree. Any crimes committed by Mayor David Bradford should have no bearing on the fate of former officer Scoggins. They should have a bearing on Bradford's political future.
It will be three years before Muscle Shoals has its next municipal election. Surely there are honest and caring citizens who would be willing to take the helm of this growing city. Tommy Oswalt comes to mind. We urge all citizens of Muscle Shoals to start thinking about its future under an honest and transparent government.
How many have prayed for our president today? Okay, if you don't pray at all, you get a pass. For those who do offer up prayers, we hope each of you prayed that our president will have a productive and safe second term. Did we vote for him? No. That doesn't mean we can't wish him the best...
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Let's play a game of "Who?" We'll start it, but if readers have similar questions, or answers to any questions, we'll be happy to publish them.
1. Who would tell Billy Underwood, or anyone else, just what is or isn't in a Muscle Shoals police officer's personnel file?
2. Who brags he has a meat grinder at his home so that no one will know when he kills a deer out of season?
3. Who thought it was a good idea to let Patricia Ayers and her husband Matthew, both arrested for the rape of a child, sit next to each other at their arraignment?
4. Who decided to reduce the number of Lauderdale County resource officers from two to one--for all schools in the county?
5. Who thinks David "Turtle Slayer" Bradford will run unopposed for mayor in the next municipal election?
Monday, January 21, 2013
6:30 p.m. Kick-off Meeting 2013
Steelworkers' Union Hall at the corner of Wilson Dam Road and Avalon Avenue in Muscle Shoals
It's time to pay dues for 2013
$20 for Regular members, $5 for Students, $200 for Lifetime members
For additional information, e-mail
or call 256-764-0016
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Did Muscle Shoals Civil Service Board Violate Sunshine Law?
Late last year, two local elected entities were accused of violating the Alabama Sunshine Law--the Florence Board of Education and the Rogersville City Council. Now Tuscumbia attorney Billy Underwood has requested that the a new and different Muscle Shoals Civil Service Board hear the case of Greg Scoggins, a terminated city police officer accused of improper conduct. Mr. Underwood claims the current board has talked freely concerning the case outside the proper legal confines.
From a January 10, 2013, letter signed by Mr. Underwood:
Honorable Mayor David Bradford
2010 Avalon Avenue
Muscle Shoals, Alabama 35661
Dear Mayor;
It has recently been brought to my attention that members of the Civil Service Board entered into concerted discussions about Greg Scoggins and his appeal before them. They entered into discussions with Chief Robert Evans regarding the policy rules and procedures that were followed.
My understanding is that their sentiment was to uphold your ruling. This seems to be more of a Kangaroo Court atmosphere than a fair and impartial hearing before the Civil Service Board. I have been told and verily believe Ricky Williams, as the gatekeeper of making sure all hearings are fair, literally got extremely upset over the actions of the Civil Service Board and questioned the women sent by his Clerk’s office as to why they didn’t silence the premature discussions. Scoggins is entitled to a hearing before an impartial panel. It is readily apparent he has been prejudged and compromised. I am asking that there be a special Civil Service Board appointed to hear Scoggins’ case.
2010 Avalon Avenue
Muscle Shoals, Alabama 35661
Dear Mayor;
It has recently been brought to my attention that members of the Civil Service Board entered into concerted discussions about Greg Scoggins and his appeal before them. They entered into discussions with Chief Robert Evans regarding the policy rules and procedures that were followed.
My understanding is that their sentiment was to uphold your ruling. This seems to be more of a Kangaroo Court atmosphere than a fair and impartial hearing before the Civil Service Board. I have been told and verily believe Ricky Williams, as the gatekeeper of making sure all hearings are fair, literally got extremely upset over the actions of the Civil Service Board and questioned the women sent by his Clerk’s office as to why they didn’t silence the premature discussions. Scoggins is entitled to a hearing before an impartial panel. It is readily apparent he has been prejudged and compromised. I am asking that there be a special Civil Service Board appointed to hear Scoggins’ case.
From a January 11, 2013, letter signed by Mr. Underwood:
Bill Aycock, Chairman
Civil Service Board
2010 Avalon Avenue
Muscle Shoals, AL 35661
Dear Mr. Aycock;
As you know, I have asked that the hearing set Tuesday, January 15 be rescheduled. Scoggins’ trial in District Court is February 19, 2013.
I would also like to give you notice that, if we’re having the hearing on January 15, I intend to first put Lisa Ricks and Elaine Coan on to ascertain what discussions were made prematurely with the Civil Service Board about Greg Scoggins’ case. These two individuals had discussions with Ricky Williams, informing him of the chatter by certain members of the Civil Service Board concerning Scoggins. I am sure Ricky Williams must have had selective amnesia when he denied knowing anything about conversations that were held at the Civil Service Board meeting. I don’t take lightly people denying those discussions were made.
If I have to I will subpoena all the other department heads to find out what exactly was said.
Civil Service Board
2010 Avalon Avenue
Muscle Shoals, AL 35661
Dear Mr. Aycock;
As you know, I have asked that the hearing set Tuesday, January 15 be rescheduled. Scoggins’ trial in District Court is February 19, 2013.
I would also like to give you notice that, if we’re having the hearing on January 15, I intend to first put Lisa Ricks and Elaine Coan on to ascertain what discussions were made prematurely with the Civil Service Board about Greg Scoggins’ case. These two individuals had discussions with Ricky Williams, informing him of the chatter by certain members of the Civil Service Board concerning Scoggins. I am sure Ricky Williams must have had selective amnesia when he denied knowing anything about conversations that were held at the Civil Service Board meeting. I don’t take lightly people denying those discussions were made.
If I have to I will subpoena all the other department heads to find out what exactly was said.
Many professions and appointed/elected positions are subject to certain ethics. It has always been an enigma to us that there are those who openly violate these ethics. Kudos to Mr. Underwood, no matter what we personally think of Greg Scoggins, for his stance on this matter.
And now an interesting letter from a Gnat Pond businessman:
To Mz. Shoalanda,
First I wants to say I ain't confess to nothin cause I ain't do nothin. Nexts, I wants to say I truly appreciate yo blog on the fuzz at Gnat Pond shooting all them innocent turtles and blamin us honest businessmans.
This Killer Turtle Dweebs gang has gots to be stopped before they move on up to possums and those bad a** things that look like possums but has shells.
Do whats yo can an if yo evr need a good deal come see me. Just asks for Kevin or Dollar Bill from the Ham and we'll fixs yo right up.
Who comprise the Muscle Shoals Civil Service Board? The following is taken from the city's website:
CIVIL SERVICE BOARD (3 year terms) | |||
** Elected by employees, not subject to appointment by Mayor and City Council | |||
Mike Price | 109 Brooke Drive | 383-0988 | June '13 |
Raymond Eggleston | 810 Firestone Avenue | 381-1447 | June '15 |
Donna Tipps | 314 W. Nassau | 381-7687 | June '14 |
Leon Madden | 203 Elliott Avenue | 381-9241 | June '15 |
**Bill Aycock | 310 Poplar Drive | 383-1192 | June '13 |
We'll be happy to publish any commentary from the civil service board members who may wish to respond.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Special Report: Underwood Requests Special Civil Service Board
In letters dated January 10, 2013, Colbert County attorney Billy Underwood has asked that the Muscle Shoals Civil Service Board step down and a new one be appointed to hear the case of Greg Scoggins, former police officer recently terminated by Mayor David Bradford.
We'll have more details and copies of these letters in tomorrow's blog.
Shoalanda Speaks
They're Here/Turtle Killer Dweebs
They're here. No, not body snatchers, but soul snatchers--pornographers. We don't like to think about such people living in our town, in the Shoals, but they do.
Let's look at Patricia Ayers. She states on her Facebook page that she has three children. It's a good bet that only one of them is a girl. Or, it could be something even worse, if possible. She also relates her eight year-old daughter had a "speech delay." This may mean there were other problems. The child was easy to manipulate and may have been more prone to irritate her step-father.
Yes, it's a sad fact that Patricia Ayers may have preferred her husband David to her child. We've seen that before with Shaun Shapley and his wife, a wife who even stood by the man who killed her daughter. Patricia doesn't seem to be that fast on the uptake, looking on witchcraft sites for spells to help her lose weight.
Ayers Home at Johnson Cross Roads
Now the state has all her children, and the little girl is emotionally scarred. Many would say put Patricia Ayers in prison for life and toss away the key. In today's Alabama judicial system, that's almost impossible. We say give Patricia a lobotomy and find her a job scrubbing floors. If we don't, she'll just find another sick man that she loves more than her children.
Long rumored to exist in the Shoals area, it's now been confirmed that the Turtle Killer Dweebs (TKD) is no mythical organization. While little is known of this secret society, it's believed the TKD train police officers who have aspirations for higher rank.
The TKD is purported to have formed symbiotic relationships with local body shops, drug dealers, and Chinese restaurants. It's motto is "To Leave no Turtle Shell Unturned or Unshot."
While the hierarchy of the TKD is still somewhat nebulous, defectors from this mystic group claim two of its highest ranking officials have now infiltrated Muscle Shoals city government. It's also been suggested that the City of Florence has offered asylum to those who wish to leave behind the violent nature of the TKD and has provided safe houses for the dissidents.
We can't promise that we'll bring our readers updates on the society's latest machinations since those who have previously reported on the TKD are rumored to lie at the bottom of Gnat Pond; however, the publishers of the Franklin series have offered us a book contract...
Thursday, January 10, 2013
What the Shoals Thinks of Mayor David Bradford
Our readers haven't been exactly shy when commenting on the escapades of Muscle Shoals Mayor David Bradford, aka the Great Turtle Hunter (You're guaranteed safe from killer turtles as long as I'm your mayor. Well? You haven't see any recently, have you?).
Muscle Shoals Mutant Mayor
Donatello Bradford
From "South Bound": I've always thought the name Trojans has come to have too many sexual meanings. Now Muscle Shoals High can have a name that fits. The Mighty Turtle Hunters.
From "Killen Resident": How did this bozo get to be mayor? I used to think half the stories I heard about Muscle Shoals were fiction. Now I'm not so sure.
From "Damsel in Distress": Just get robbed at Walmart. Muscle Shoals will send two cops, one to take your statement and one to buy the Little Debbie Cakes.
From "Biology Bob": It's really not funny. You can laugh but that kind of slaughter and condoning it can disrupt the ecosystem. Just think how many drug dealers turtles eat out by Gnat Pond Road.
From "Layla": I saw a comical comment that asked about who paid for the damage to Bradford's police car. Yeah, I wanna know that too. I hope everyone is at the next city council meeting and asks some real questions.
From "Mistress of the Garden": Doesn't sound like things have changed since I moved from MSC 15 yrs ago. M&M's need to be restarted.
From "Bambi's Dad": First a turtle, then a deer. I hope those innocent turtles know we'll give them shelter on the reservation whenever they need it.
There were a few more, but some couldn't be edited enough for publication. How do we personally feel? Whether Mayor David Bradford shot the turtles for food or for their shells of just for "fun," we now think much less of him than previously. Killing any of God's creatures shouldn't come easily.
We'll continue to take memes/artwork for future blogs.
Editor's note: Three of the above memes were sent to us by the same person; we infer these were forwarded to that individual. If anyone wishes credit for these, please contact us. Again, we're still accepting memes if any readers have others.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
A Voice of Reason/Bubba Weighs In
We trust everyone has now read Mr. Billy Underwood's letter to the Muscle Shoals Civil Service Board. It was well written, hilarious, informative, and at no point came close to the subject at hand.
We've learned that Mayor Bradford was once a police officer for the city, liked to kill innocent turtles, and wasn't always the best of shots. How do you aim at a turtle from inside your vehicle and hit said vehicle instead?
We've learned that the Muscle Shoals City Jail has been home to various sexcapades. They do call jailers "screws" you know, at least in all those old Edgar G. Robinson/Jimmy Cagney movies from the 30s and 40s.
We've also learned what happened to the lawsuit filed against the city by an African American man taken into custody two years ago. The handcuffed detainee claimed he was attacked by a Muscle Shoals lieutenant and patrol officer. Many have asked us the resolution of that suit, but all lips were sealed...until now.
So who 'fessed up? Ratted? Narced? Doesn't Greg Scoggins seem the most logical culprit? He's been with the force for 11 years; he knows where the MSPD bodies are buried; he thinks this information will regain his job; and he also thinks he has nothing to lose.
Let's say Greg Scoggins does get his job back; what happens then? Would you like to be Officer Scoggins after you had ratted on your fellow officers...not just to the civil service board, but to all of Shoalanda's readers...and more?
No, gentle readers, the current Muscle Shoals Civil Service Board has nothing to do with former boards, and even the older incarnations of the board apparently were never advised of the antics of these various police officers. The board members will take into consideration only the case at hand. They will ask if Scoggins is guilty, and he has admitted as much.
What will Scoggins do then? We recently read a TVT post by a Florence attorney stating the shamed officer wouldn't be welcome in that city. Will he be welcome anywhere? It would be difficult to fathom any department wanting him now.
Shootin' fish in a barrel. Yep, that's what shootin' those turtles at Gnat Pond amounts to. If I was ol' David Bradford, I'd start tellin' that one of them gnats out on that pond got in my eye and I couldn't see good enough to take my best shot. Cause when you shoot your own police car people are bound to snicker. Heck, I'm still laughin' and I've never even met the mayor.
Lil' Bubba asked me why anyone would want to shoot a turtle in the first place. I recollect my second cousin Arley used to shoot 'em at Lower Dog Ear Creek. He sold the shells at the Frog Pond flea market and got right smart for 'em too.
Arley saved up the money, moved on up to Spruce Pine, and got a job as a water meter reader. Course he never shot his own car, so that was in his favor. Maybe all of ya'll in Muscle Shoals will have forgotten about that when election time comes up again.
Anyways I think I'll just stick to septic tanks and car motors. I'd hate to have to tell anyone I'd been attacked by one of them dangerous turtles ya'll got in Muscle Shoals.
Bubba Leroy Smuckpucker II
Dog Ear, Alabama
We here at Shoalanda Speaks promise to keep the public informed of any future killer turtle sightings.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Billy Underwood Fires Back...And How!
January 8, 2013
Civil Service Board
Mayor David Bradford
Police Chief Robert Evans
Muscle Shoals City Hall
Muscle Shoals, Alabama 35661
Dear Sirs;
Former Muscle Shoals Police Chief, now deceased, David Underwood used to tell a funny story about a hard-charging patrolman who took his police vehicle, while on duty, to Gnat Pond on Sixth Street, which was at the time outside the city limits of Muscle Shoals. It seems the Muscle Shoals patrolman was shooting dangerous turtles from the car and somehow, accidentally, shot a hole in his patrol car. The patrolman frantically found someone to repair the hole before he'd have to report to duty the next day. That hard-charging patrolman is now the Mayor of Muscle Shoals, David Bradford.
The Mayor's office and Police Chief allow police officers, in their patrol car while on duty, to take and pick up their children to and from school and run personal errands. They've gone shopping at Walmart and Belle Foods. They've even been used to go as far as Huntsville, Alabama and, in one instance while the patrol car was supposed to be off duty, it was driven to Montgomery, Alabama. The car picked up an individual who had skipped a bond, not in Muscle Shoals, and brought him back to the area. Not one single officer has ever been sanctioned for this use of a Muscle Shoals police car for personal trips.
Then there is the issue of the lawsuit filed against the City of Muscle Shoals alleging that some of its police officers had recklessly entered into a high speed automobile chase which resulted in very serious consequences. The City paid money on this, yet no police officer was ever reprimanded or had charges brought against him. There are instances of sexual misconduct by police officers while on duty, including one with a young lady who was working with the City as a jailer. None of these officers were terminated. There are other instances recently where the City has been sued for some serious misconduct to an arrested person. The City paid up to or possibly even $100,000. The officers involved were not terminated.
This letter says the appropriate discipline was rendered for former officer and current Mayor Bradford. He was not even cited in his personnel file for hunting dangerous turtles at Gnat Pond. Patrolman Greg Scoggins of the Muscle Shoals Police Department is asking that this Civil Service Board have a hearing and, at that time, render punishment that is befitting of the crime. Said punishment should not be his termination as a police officer. Patrolman Bradford, when he was hunting dangerous turtles, had only been on the job some five years. Patrolman Scoggins has been with the Muscle Shoals Police Department over 12 years.
Johnnie Franks and I, who represent Greg Scoggins, look for a full hearing in front of the Civil Service Board which can be open to the public and, if the City wants, names will be given to the Board about each and every incident the attorneys have made reference to in this letter. By this letter, we appeal the decision of Mayor David Bradford within the 14-day time period allowed.
Who's printing tickets for this show?
Monday, January 7, 2013
D.K. Is Happy Tonight!
Our fellow blog member D.K. is extremely happy tonight after Bama's super win over Notre Dame. Our facetious comment of yesterday was taken the wrong way by some--No, none of us here was rooting for the Irish.
Is Goody's coming to the Sav-A-Lot Shopping Center in Muscle Shoals? If Pounders Realty has its way, the middle-of-the-road department store will be joining its sister store in the town's core shopping area.
Besides Burke's Discount, the company owns Beall's and Peeble's Department Stores. There's currently one Goody's in Russellville, and three Burke's in the area. Their gift cards are welcome at any of their stores, making for a great retail experience. Here's hoping Muscle Shoals gets this plum.
Speaking of retail, how's Publix doing? We hear their main draw is the weekly buy-one-get-one-free offers. When making your shopping list, don't forget Belle Foods; the Alabama owned chain seems to get better each week.
Know what this is?
According to this eBay listing, it's an illegal gambling chip from an establishment run by Pride and Dewitt Dawson. If you find it interesting, it can be yours for only 9.95.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Railroad Avenue?
It seems that several new facilities are in the preliminary planning stage for Florence, the city that never saw a million dollar project it didn't like. That isn't surprising. It's also not surprising that Mayor Mickey Haddock realizes the impact the proposed East Florence Arts and Entertainment District will have on that area.
What is surprising is that Haddock has stated the city sanitation department headquarters may have to be moved from Railroad Avenue because of the future development. Anyone been down Railroad Avenue recently? It's as picturesque as it sounds. Running parallel to the train tracks, the narrow road runs from North to East Florence. Several small businesses dot the landscape as well as a few homes.
Perhaps we're not thinking big enough here, but in five to ten years, we don't see Railroad Avenue as home to Hard Rock Florence.
Anyone have any plans tomorrow night? No? Didn't think so. Maybe TV Land will have a marathon of Bewitched...
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Patricia Edmon Ayers...Pagan Pornographer?
Click to Enlarge Image
Patricia Allana Edmon Ayers lives in the Johnson Crossroads community north of Florence. The 32 year-old woman was arrested yesterday for the manufacture and possession of five pornographic images of a seven year-old girl. The Tucson, Arizona, native has told police she took the photos in order to document a skin rash. Married since 2008, Ayers states on a social networking profile that she has three children from a previous relationship. DHR has now taken the children into state custody.
Authorities are calling the pictures "proactive." We'll interpret that as posing the child in certain provocative positions. Apparently the photographs weren't hidden, but appeared in a photostream that belonged to the Lauderdale County woman. Ayers is also a member of PaganSpace (pictured above), a social networking site for wiccans, witches, and others involved in the occult.
How will her "medical" defense play? We'll predict not all that well. After all, why post them to the Internet? Ayers isn't exactly mother of the year material...
Will Greg Scoggins appeal to the Civil Service Board now that Muscle Shoals Mayor David Bradford has turned down the former officer's request for leniency? He very well may, but our expert on police procedure feels it's a case that can't be won. According to WHNT, the Alabama Department of Conservation will not be prosecuting Casey Liles, the 19 year-old who assisted in transporting the body of the dead deer to a local residence.
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