Tuesday, March 15, 2011

J.J. Ray Answers/Ricky Nichols isn't Poor

Cherokee Straight Talk from J.J.

I read with great interest Pooh's Dad's comments on The Connection’s report of the Cherokee fuel situation. I started the column originally to help them with their fuel shortage. Little did I know what would be found. Cherokee uses a fuel log to track their fuel usage. I checked years 2008. 2009 and 2010 against their purchases for the same years and that is when the shortage appeared.

If they are careless with the logs, we cannot help that. I can only report what is there. The logs are public domain and may be viewed by anyone who would like to check. The Rescue Squad and the fire department do not publicly report their calls or financial status. They also are supposed to have fuel logs. Whether they do, I cannot say. The rescue squad did give us the number of calls for last year--that is how we came up with the numbers.

My suggestion would be to drive over to city hall and look for yourself. The Connection will be running part two of the story shortly and that should be very interesting reading. If I had a shortage of 4,556.4 Gallons of Off Road Diesel at $11,391.00, you can bet there would be an investigation--makes you wonder why there is not.

Note from S.S.: If any Cherokee citizens are concerned about the missing fire department or rescue squad fuel, they may file a report with either the ABI or the Alabama Ethics Commission.


Ricky Nichols Isn't "Poor" At All

A Guest Commentary By

Moulton Mom

Ricky Nichols isn't "poor" anyway you look at it. In 2002 he was sued by members of the Cherokee tribe for discrimination. A short time after that he decided to go to Iraq for two tours of duty. When he came back he posted his military pictures (with guns) all over the East Lawrence High School website and then married an employee who had been fired, Rebecca Crumpton Smith Nichols. The fact that she had already been married twice didn't stop him from making her his wife and getting her another job in the Lawrence County system. Ricky Nichols should be held as accountable as her for the affair and the two lawsuits.

Ricky Nichols also brought a program called "Bounty Hunters" into the school. He paid informants $100.00 for each student drug dealer they turned in. Nice, huh? He also joined police in drug raids on students' homes. Nichols left last years after his wife was arrested and I don't know if the program is still in effect or not. Mrs. Coleman should sue him if he set her son up because he had sex with his wife. Everyone I know at East Lawrence is glad Ricky Nichols is gone.

Note from S.S.: To those who asked why Rebecca Nichols wasn't charged with 2nd Degree Rape, the student was 16. If he had been under 16, felony charges would have been added to the misdemeanor charges. Unless Nichols has been convicted of a felony, there is nothing stopping her from working in another state school system.
