From today's TimesDaily:
"National Alabama, it's my problem; it's not your problem,” Bronner said of the quiet railcar plant that in March got a contract to assist in producing automobile transportation railcars. “We will go forward, as long as I'm alive; we're going to make this thing work.”
He later said that he was looking at multiple possible companies to land in the plant.
From a state retiree:
I beg to differ re 'the problem that is NAC'. My wife and myself, as well as several of my neighbors, have their retirements tied up in RSA...and THAT $$$ is funding the idle NAC facility. There are 120+ employees that are being paid simply to show up each day, massive utility bills each month, plus the executive (CEO. HR, Health & Safety, etc) positions that pay $75,000 - $250,000/year. With NO production taking place, and a small contract to make 'parts' of railcars, why are 'we' supporting them? This FACT does indeed make it OUR 'problem'. Not billionaire Bonner's.
Yesterday we discussed two long time employees retiring from the Lauderdale County Sheriff's Department. A source close to the office has informed us that Linda Richey is also retiring this spring. Richey is over property seizures. Good luck to Ms. Richey and to Sheriff Ronnie Willis as he sifts through what could be a large field of applicants to fill these vacancies with the most qualified individuals.