Rep. Johnny Mack Morrow has deep roots in Red Bay. Pictured above at his 300 acre Cypress Cove Farm, the former economics instructor at Northwest-Shoals Community College has come under fire this week for misappropriating over 77K of taxpayer dollars for his Franklin County farm. One of four children, Morrow is the only one to remain in Red Bay, where he resides on property that has been in his family for generations. Sources say with the property inherited from his parents and uncle, along came the financial means to keep up the land. So, why would Morrow risk everything for what might be a rather trivial amount to him?
Perhaps he hasn't. Sources say Morrow has taken out an ad in the Red Bay newspaper claiming that accusations by his opponent Jeff Masterson are motivated by more than Masterson's desire for the HD 18 seat; Morrow blames Indian casinos in Mississippi for much of the hubbub over state money spent on his land--land at least partially leased by the Bear Creek Development Authority to use for educational purposes. Besides the annual "Farm Week," local school children are welcome one day each month at Cypress Cove.
Seventy-seven thousand dollars for 16 days a year of education/entertainment at a venue where exhibits from the private sector also regularly set up? There must be something in the water in Montgomery...
Jeff Masterson's response to Morrow and the Bear Creek Development Authority:
Today the board members of the Bear Creek Development Authority attacked the Masterson Campaign for telling the truth. The board members claim that the Masterson ads “harm the good name not only of BCDA, but also of the teachers...” The Masterson radio ad...does not mention the Bear Creek Development Authority or any teachers. There are absolutely no claims of any wrongdoing on the part of anyone except Rep. Johnny Mack Morrow.
“Iʼm disappointed that the fine members of the authority would try and distort what my campaign has been saying,” said Masterson. “All we have said is the truth, which is that Johnny Mack Morrow has used Community Service grants to build buildings, install an irrigation system and hire a worker for his farm. These expenditures are documented in his own handwriting and none of them are through Bear Creek.
"I once again call on Johnny Mack Morrow to return to the state the over $75,000 of taxpayer money he has misspent,” said Masterson.
There are new additions at Judge Sandlin's Locker.
The Shoals Republican Club will host a luncheon featuring Angela Laughlin and Dr. Gerald Freeman, candidates for Alabama Senate District 1. The luncheon will be at Ryan's in Florence at Noon today.
At this time, we are happy to endorse Dr. Gerald Freeman for the Republican nomination. Dr. Freeman has been a local physician for many years and will make a great and much-needed addition to the State Legislature.