Even if you play bingo or slots, poker or the ponies, we assume you are still adamantly opposed to the crime of political bribery. To accuse anyone of monetary gain or even receipt of a token George Jones memento for voting in a specific manner is no light allegation. To accuse Alabama State Senator Bobby Denton of such a crime is ludicrous--ludicrous to us, but apparently not to certain FBI agents who have interviewed Denton twice in the past four days.
Also questioned were Jim Preuitt of Talladega and Larry Means of Gadsden, two state senators who also changed their stance on placing the bingo issue on a state-wide ballot. Denton has related to his constituents that he prayed over the matter, as well as seeking advice from his wife and minister. If Denton’s minister was jake with the Northwest Alabama legislator’s vote, not all occupants of local pulpits agreed. One Shoals religious leader wrote:
“What a load of BS. Thank God your sorry butt will be leaving office soon. Good luck explaining this to all your Church of Christ brethren. I hope you get the treatment you deserve from them.”
The TimesDaily refused to identify the name of the foul-mouthed e-mail author; however, if Senator Denton will send us his name, we will gladly publish it. His congregation needs to know what kind of bellowing Cretin stands before them each Sunday morning.
Whether one feels that Denton’s career has been illustrious or not, until now his motives and subsequent actions have never been questioned, begging the question of who is behind the FBI investigation into possible vote buying. Both Gov. Bob Riley and Agriculture Commissioner Ron Sparks have been mentioned as possible instigators in the matter. Detractors accuse Riley of becoming vindictive in the waning days of his term, while Sparks desperately needs a high profile issue to distract the public as he attempts to rebuild his flagging campaign. The same could be said for TK the AG, subject of his own FBI probe.
Even for Goat Hill shenanigans, the FBI’s questioning of Senator Denton ranks among the most bizarre. Sell his vote for a guitar? From George Jones? We wonder what these agents would have insinuated had Denton been female--perhaps the gift of silk stockings and a candy bar?
Weather or not? After we introduced our new comics widget, readers requested a similar one for weather. Apparently, they haven’t been scrolling to the bottom of the blog. Several weeks ago, we introduced a weather widget providing temperature and other info, while a click of the mouse will take you to a more detailed forecast from the Muscle Shoals Airport. Stay informed and stay safe.
The TimesDaily has just identified the minister responsible for the rude and vulgar e-mail as Steve Thompson, currently associated with Woodmont Baptist Church. Currently, but perhaps not for long.