Strutn, a production company owned by Mike Tennyson of Muscle Shoals, is staging a record-shattering event at the Alabama Music Hall of Fame on June 12th. Starting at 10:00 a.m., Strutn will attempt to break four world records. The ads don't specify which records will be falling that day, but the promotional material does call for casual dress for participants.
Proceeds from the event will go to American Cancer Assistance. We've not been able to locate any data on this organization and look forward to learning more about it.
The event, to be held 11 days after the June 1st primary, boasts the sponsorship of Tim Milam, Colbert County District Judge candidate, and Len Gregory, a candidate for Colbert County Sheriff. Either the event has been postponed from its original date, or Milam and Gregory are sure not only of a run-off, but that they'll be in it. We'll see...
New Links: Be sure to check out the new links to some great Shoals blogs. We've spotlighted Dirt Therapy before, but if you haven't yet visited Phillip Oliver's award-winning gardening blog you've been missing some great give-aways, plus Phillip offers his own links to several other wonderful gardening columns from around the U.S. For inspirational reading, we highly recommend Life As I Know It, Garnering Wisdom, and Gathering Life.
Remember: The Shoals rocks, and Shoals bloggers rock the Shoals.