Before we address the topic of our special report, we wish to make two things perfectly clear:
1. It's our personal belief that gambling is a blot on society; in other words, gambling does more harm than good to a nation, state, family, or individual.
2. It's our personal preference that Alabama State Senator Bobby Denton had not voted to hold a special election on the bingo issue.
Those things being said, neither of them casts any shadow on Senator Denton's probity. One man who has attempted to paint Denton as a blackguard, twice referring to him or his oratory as feces, is Steve Thompson, Associate Minister of Woodmont Baptist Church in Florence.
Here, from Woodmont's own website is Thompson's bio:
Steve Thompson Associate Pastor in Education / Administration Steve Thompson- Steve has been at Woodmont since 1993. He holds a Religious Education degree from Samford University and a Theology degree from Southwestern Seminary. He is married to Cinda and they have a son, Seth, and two daughters, Rebekah and Hannah. sthompson@woodmontbaptist.org
For Thompson, a man who has no scruples about wearing the title "Reverend," to call Denton slimy and dishonest, is beneath contempt. Thompson in no way exemplifies Christianity in any shape or form. Yes, we can understand that Thompson was disappointed in Denton's decision to change his vote. We were also. We did manage to handle the situation without using gross vulgarities and dishonoring the names of God, Woodmont Baptist Church, or any other church.
If Senator Bobby Denton should be guilty of what Steve Thompson and others have accused him, we hope Denton will receive the harshest penalties. If he is innocent, as we believe him to be, we hope Steve Thompson will be held accountable, along with others who have attempted to set up this North Alabama icon.
By request: Don't forget the regular monthly Cherokee town council meeting tonight. Important issues are to be discussed and voted on--don't let a select few tell the majority how to run the town.