Sunday, September 8, 2024

Q&A About Andy's 127K Salary


Yesterday we published a list of salaries for Alabama mayors. Questions...did we get questions:

1. Why wasn't Sheffield mentioned? The chart covered only the 30 largest Alabama cities.

2. Did Andy's $126,894.00 include perks? We don't have a rundown on all that was covered, but am sure the Florence mayor was also treated to many free meals and drinks along the way that don't need to be reported.

3. Would any of the currently announced candidates agree to a pay cut? How about it, Bill, Ron, Andy, would you?


And which of the current three candidates has been actively helping the Florence animal shelter? Certainly not Andy who can't be bothered with the traditional monthly visit/photo op. How about Ron? No, haven't seen him assisting either.

That leaves Bill Griffin. Guess what...Bill has been actively supporting the shelter for some time. That makes you think, doesn't it?

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