Monday, September 30, 2024

City Haphazard with Condolences


After a Nashville woman died Saturday night as the result of a hit and run accident, Muscle Shoals Police offered thoughts and prayers in a press release. Yet less than a week ago there were no such similar condolences in a press release concerning the older gentleman an officer shot dead in his own home.

From a reader: The family was all present and didn’t feel threatened. Tyler Mann (attorney) asked to view the body cams and was told no by police and ALEA...My why did they not take the family out of the house if it was so bad they had to taze him twice then shoot him while he was convulsing? Lockhard and Rek’s silence says a lot, don’t you think?

Others have commented to us on the strange quiet from city hall. Yes, we know there will be a lawsuit, so comment is limited. Several have suggested that Mayor Mike Lockhart should have held a press conference; others say he should have resigned.

After all, many men look forward to retiring and spending time with their wives...

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