Sunday, September 1, 2024

Abortion Pill "Reversal" Isn't Safe!

We read several state and national publications each day in order to get a feel of the political climate. The 1819 News is the most conservative (read: far out). Its opinion columns are usually very unscientific, but one of its latest could be dangerous to the public.

We first heard of the "abortion pill reversal" about six months ago. If a woman takes the first drug mifepristone, but changes her mind, she can counter its effects with huge doses of progesterone given over a three week period. It's supposed to work in around 60% of cases.

Do many change their minds in this two day waiting period to take the second drug? Around 4 out of 10K.

What do studies show? There's been only one study conducted. It had less than 20 participants, but 25% of them had to be hospitalized with excessive bleeding. While the author of the 1819 opinion piece was surprised that a state would warn against this procedure (Massachusetts), this would seem to be the primary reason...and a very good one.

The bottom line is use birth control if you don't want to become pregnant!

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