Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Hold Parents Accountable for the Threats


Back to school used to mean sweaters, football, and new crushes. Now it means watching your back and checking your locker for bombs. So far, the Shoals has seen two student arrests and countless rumors.

The latest? According to our readers and posts by concerned citizens on various Facebook pages, local hooligans have graduated to bomb threats to two Florence schools.

Are there any Florence students out there who have even the foggiest notion of how to build an explosive device? What are parents doing while their little darlings think up these things?

We don't know what current teacher pay is, but it's not nearly enough.

1 comment:

  1. 'Holding parents accountable' is a prime example of 'knee-jerk reactionism'. How many times did ANY of us 'do something wrong/illegal' as a kid (WITHOUT OUR PARENTS' KNOWLEDGE), that today, would not only get US into BIG trouble, but our parents, too?
