Thursday, September 19, 2024

Former Dept. Head Critiques Betterton


If you've followed the checkered saga of Andrew Betterton's tenure as mayor, you'll recall that he's been out of town when any major player in city government was terminated and has been accused of hiding from those he suspected of bringing bad news. Now a former department head has offered a similar critique of our hapless mayor:

Mayor Betterton considered me difficult to deal with, because he wanted to provide feel-good information to the media and the citizens. My responsibility was not only to the Mayor and the City of Florence, but to the ratepayers. They pay for it and deserve to know not just the feel-good information, but also the pitfalls.

Yes, Handy Dandy Andy seems to be there for the ceremonies, parades, and photo ops, but how about those less than thrilling chores that come with the job? Former mayor Steve Holt was always there. We believe Bill Griffin will similarly step up when there's actual work to be done.

Will there be others who can put ego aside and govern fairly? Forty-nine weeks to go...

1 comment:

  1. This is a "repost of a repost" from the Facebook group "Florence City Council......Vote Em All Out" but it sums up pretty nicely what is going on with local government and the upcoming city election. "The post from a former city department head confirms at least 4 "certains" that we have been saying since this group was founded: 1. THIS mayor and council are not telling the citizens of Florence the TRUTH concerning the state of the infrastructure in this city. 2. They are ignoring repairs and replacements that DESPERATELY need to be performed in favor of spending taxpayer dollars on needless "vanity" projects. AND 3. Times Daily is a propaganda machine for Florence city government and prints only what the elected officials in Florence want to have released to the public. We do not have an actual NEWS source in Florence concerning city hall and that is the reason many have taken to getting their local government news from social media. AND 4. This is one of the most important upcoming city elections in the history of Florence and we MUST clean house and vote in a completely new slate of elected officials. VOTE EM ALL OUT....August 26, 2025"
