Sunday, September 22, 2024

Opposition to Cloverdale Road Publix


Would many Florence residents love to have a Publix in northern Florence? Absolutely! Should it be backed up to the edge of Sherwood Forest? Probably not.

It seems a great deal of money has already gone into this project before zoning has been approved. If you're opposed, the zoning hearing will be Tuesday at 5:00 p.m. in the city auditorium.

Note: This will also affect Alexander Heights and the Chisholm Road area. Progress isn't always worth it.

1 comment:

  1. The northbound merge lane going up the hill at Cloverdale Rd from Cox Creek Pkwy has been a nightmare and the scene of countless accidents since it was paved 30+ years ago. Can you imagine what will happen when a Publix is built at this intersection? Is there anyone in the city planning department who has ever used good old common sense when getting these proposals instead of the urge to build whatever idea comes down the pike they can call "progress"? We KNOW what this current city council will allow to be built but how about thinking first of the consequences other than the bottom line to get more money from the 9.5% sales tax?
