Friday, September 13, 2024

The Battle of CCHS Travel Mugs


In case you missed the other big controversy at Colbert County High School, all drinks brought from home must be in clear plastic bottles. Who are outraged? Not the students, but the parents who have already purchased those $35.00 mugs for their little darlings.

Does anyone really think it's over alcohol? Naive, aren't you?

Buffy: Are you really using a Hydro mug?

Sissy: Yes, I am. I like it. Besides, Mom said it was either this or an Ember.

Linzy: Really, Buffy? You surely don't think your Yeti is better than my Stanley, do you?

And that, dear readers, is why Principal Lee Craft banned the snazzy drink holders. Besides, if he confiscates enough, he can sell them to make up for the advertising money Chris Hand made him pay back.


  1. Numerous schools ban such drink containers for students. All drinks students bring into such schools must be CLEAR and in a CLEAR container. It's not about 'what's popular'. It's a safety issue.

    1. Part of the problem was waiting so long to announce the decision. Parents are also asking why this isn't system wide.

  2. My kids attended 3 different school districts prior to graduation. I've concluded that school boards EVERYWHERE are comprised of individuals that care more about their 'bragging rights' as a board member, than they actually care about those they claim to represent.
