Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Where Would Jesus Park?


The “new” Florence parking deck that has just been completed at the corner of Pine Street and Tombigbee cost $12.65 million Florence taxpayer dollars to build. It has 273 spaces. When you do the math, that is $46,336.99 that was spent per parking space. These must be some REALLY nice parking spaces! At the Florence city council work session on 09/03/2024 Andy Betterton sponsored item 12 A on the regular agenda which was an ordinance to allow the city to establish rates and fees for the “new” downtown parking deck. The resolution itself the council was voting on ordained the following rates and fees: Hourly and daily rates: $.50 per hour with a $4.00 maximum from 8 am to 5 p.m. Mon.-Fri. a $25.00 monthly rental fee (only for businesses currently renting with the city) a $4.00 fee for card replacement and a $25.00 monthly fee for the outdoor parking spaces in the “Lot 59” which is across the street from the post office on Seminary.

There was also another item on the agenda to be voted on pertaining to the “new” parking deck. Item 11 K on the consent agenda was a contract with SWC of Decatur, to provide building materials, equipment and installation of a parking deck surveillance system. The amount was not to “exceed” $87,122.00. This was sponsored by Jack Dressler. Mr. Dressler, who is currently the department head of the IT department for the city, stated when asked (by Michelle Eubanks BTW and of course) that this was to be a camera system only. When Mrs. Eubanks asked if this system would be monitored, he said no and rather flippantly asked if she would like to monitor it herself. 

She did not take offense and laughed at the joke, but I could not help but think for the price of this parking deck and the supposed concerns for safety of individuals as a reason for it being built in the first place the least that could be done is some type of monitoring system that is tied into a live feed with the Florence police. You cannot call 911 for help if you are being held at gun or knife point in a parking deck. For the amount of taxpayer money that is being spent on this deck you would think live monitoring would be a given. Basically, the city of Florence is buying a very expensive “Ring doorbell” system for security in the “new” parking deck!

At the end of the work session before he closed, Blake Edwards (who was filling in for Kaytrina Simmons as president) asked if any of the council had any more questions. Michelle Eubanks asked Andy Betterton if there had been any discussion of allowing employees who work downtown to park during the week at a reduced rate in the parking deck. She stated that many were in the retail and service industry and made minimum wage with tips. She said that even a slight raise would produce a hardship on these citizens. “$25.00 may not seem like a lot of money to a lot of people but it can be cost prohibitive to someone who lives from paycheck to paycheck” Mrs. Eubanks said to Andy Betterton. At this, Betterton said: “Let’s just say that is an ongoing concern and we will expand upon that at a later date”. 

Mrs. Eubanks pushed back that she was very concerned about how this would affect those who could least afford it and that this was a resolution that was being voted upon TODAY. Andy Betterton seemed to not hear her make that statement and instead said that the current rates for parking in the “old” deck have not been raised in 20 years. With that Mrs. Eubanks said she understood but still had concerns as to how this would affect the employees who were living paycheck to paycheck who worked downtown. Once again, Betterton just said they would “look into it.” Of note is the other council members did not say ONE WORD!

When the time came to vote on this agenda item in the meeting, Michelle Eubanks was the only NO.

This is supposedly a very devout town. It seems like a steeple on every corner of a large church building in the downtown area. And every council member and the mayor you can be assured rarely miss sitting in a pew at one of the churches either downtown or around town most Sunday mornings. Watching Michelle Eubanks in action at this meeting, I could not help but think of the bible verse: Matthew 25:40 ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ The rest of the council and the mayor might want to reevaluate their priorities for parking for the poor.


Pictured is Albert Joseph (Jack) Dressler, Florence IT manager (photo courtesy of the FPD). We're reminded of a current councilman's remark to a city department head: Don't bite the hand that feeds you.

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