Sunday, September 15, 2024

How Long Will This Roundabout Last?


The City of Florence plans to build a roundabout on Gresham Road behind Target. Much of the project will be funded by a grant, but the taxpayer will still be on the hook for a great deal of cash. What's wrong with this picture?

Enter the Church of the Highlands of the Shoals. This group has daily services of some ilk, with a Sunday morning attendance of around 1,800. If the church's plans remain on track, its new home will also be in the rear of Target, at which time the roundabout will require replacing with traffic signals.

We've always had a problem with the 30 year life span of public fixtures. Are we in Florence now so rich that five years of service is acceptable? If you oppose this, write your council member or be at the next meeting on Tuesday.

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