Thursday, September 12, 2024

Big Lots Safe for Now


We're Living in the Future.
You Ask Me How I know -
I read It in the Papers
Fifteen Years Ago.
-John Prine-

We might as well sit back and enjoy the show as we order the kitchen sink from Amazon. The past two weeks have brought more sad, but not unexpected, news.

Should we mention more Rite Aid closings? It's not as if any are left in the Shoals.

Game Stop has just made a major announcement: It's about to make a major announcement on upcoming closings. That was helpful.

Then there's Big Lots. At least there's some good news there. The retailer is immediately closing down 292 locations, but Florence isn't one of them. If you're looking for bargains, try the University Drive store in Huntsville, one of five scheduled to get the axe in Alabama.

If you're waiting for more Red Lobster shoes to drop, there have been no new announcements since July. Perhaps that's good news for the Florence location.

On a slightly related note, FAA rules for drone delivery will be relaxing next year...and they don't even expect a tip...

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