Saturday, August 10, 2024

How Low is the Quality of Life in Shaffield?


How low must the quality of life in Sheffield sink before the mayor and city council put on their 'big boy' britches, roll up their sleeves and DO THEIR JOBS?

Earlier this summer I began a 'series' of postings that I hoped would draw attention to the continued decay of Sheffield. Via digital photos I made public Sheffield's abysmal streets, abandoned and falling in buildings, derelict vehicles on our streets and in our neighborhoods, and streets almost completely engulfed by creeping vegetation. But nothing I've seen to date comes close to being as reprehensible and irresponsible as the following. 

In what world would the mayor and city council approve of such, and why are they ignoring it? It, like all of the other issues being ignored, won't simply 'go away'. By the way: this mess stretches for almost half a block.

J. Redmon

1 comment:

  1. Who owns this property and WHY are they 'OK' with this?
