Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Florence District 2 and the Unhappy Marriage


We once had a friend who married an Army officer right out of college. She quickly added two sons to the union...and a lot of black eyes. Her husband would hit them whenever he felt like it, which was often. He also kept tight strings on the family purse, generally making their lives a living hell.

What love my friend originally felt for her husband eventually turned to indifference and then to something else. While it sounds cold, the wife's one hope in life was the fact that men in her husband's family usually died young. The husband was heavily insured with all sorts of military policies, and she hoped to one day have a fulfilling life for herself.

Then one day, the husband came home and announced he had met a woman at the officer's club. He was divorcing her and starting a new life. The day after the divorce was final, the now ex-husband married his new girlfriend and changed the beneficiary on his life insurance.

Two weeks later, he dropped dead.

That's pretty much the way things have gone in District 2 in Florence. After years of putting up with Dick Jordan, the citizens thought they would now have a chance to elect an honest candidate with no hidden interests. They had no idea that Dick would name his successor.

In less than a month, the good ol' boy friendships and nepotism have already started. The residents of District 2 pretty much feel as our friend did. All those years of hope dashed. Prizes to pigs and all that.


Florence recently had a runaway calf. The young bovine bolted to Martin Park to hide. It was a good choice - Florence officer Luke Green couldn't name the location.

Sure, it's funny, but what if it had been a small plane crash or similar emergency? "Well, it's that recreational area. You know the one I mean."

Shouldn't there have been a test on Florence geography before he was hired?

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