Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Eugene Sak-Jackie Hendrix Connection


Eugene Sak is a Florence developer who has appeared before the city council several times seeking loans or tax rebates in connection with the old Motel 6/Days Inn building on South Court Street.

Sak's latest request (below) will again be placed before the council on August 13th:

• A return to the developer of 50% of proceeds on city sales and ad valorem tax collected from the hotel over a 15-year period or until that total reaches $3 million.

• The city provides public infrastructure with a cap of $175,000.

• A waiver from the city on permitting and related fees after a $10,000 fee cap is met by the developers.

It's assumed that Councilman Jimmy Oliver will vote yes, while Michelle Eubanks will vote no. It's unknown how Ms. Simmons, Mr. Edwards, or Mr. Griffin will vote.

How about the council's newest member Jackie Loyd Hendrix Jr.? It's a pretty safe bet that Hendrix will vote yes. Why?

For over a decade, Eugene Sak owned Grand Rental Station and its subsidiary Party Plus. During much of that time, the manager of that endeavor was Jackie Hendrix Jr., now owner of Party Pros.

Did we say we believe Hendrix will vote yes? Perhaps not; an honest council member in that position would abstain.


Hendrix, as we have previously pointed out, is also the founder of a 2024 foundation formed to benefit the Florence Recreation Department headed by Bill Jordan. A council member has stated that foundation is similar to one formed in 2010 to benefit Florence police. Who formed that entity? Eugene Sak.

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