Friday, August 16, 2024

Have a Look at Hearn Mobile Home Park


Hearn Mobile Home Park

County Road 47

Florence, AL

The above trailer appears to be vacant. We're not sure how many homes on this lot are occupied, but most look the same. The property is in District 4 which is served by Michelle Eubanks.

There have long been disputes over this property, but Councilman Jimmy Oliver states there have been no infractions within the past 60 days. Is there a waiting list for these units? We doubt it. 

Who lives in these manufactured homes? A good guess is those who are used to these conditions and use their income for other things. Why don't they go to social services? Another good guess is that they're afraid for whatever reasons.

Has the building department been involved, or has it been too busy with the signage on Mitchell Boulevard? How about the health department?

Just who owns this mobile home park? Eugene Sak. Yes, the same businessman currently requesting special assistance from the city, the former employer of special council appointee Jackie Hendrix Jr.

Photo from Vote 'Em All Out


  1. The Shoals, et al, is turning into Somalia right in front our very own eyes.

  2. Excuse me but if you don't know whom lives here why are you saying anything on their Financials? I mean gracious lady and then say go to social services. We'll, at least you showed them what the social media welill do for them. Honestly hon you need to just stop because you do not know. Period
