Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Humbly Rent a Billboad


There were a few important issues on the agenda for the Florence City council meeting on 08/20/2024. But from the participation of those who were in attendance and the small number of people who were watching the streaming of the work session and the council meeting online, it appears most citizens either had forgotten about the meeting or did not care. After all, we are in the middle of a national election season. It has always amazed me that the same people who will memorize political positions of a candidate to argue and the shoe size of their favorite national candidate cannot be bothered with local politics. In Florence, what is decided on Pine St. sometimes affects you as much or more than what is decided on Pennsylvania Ave. Think of that the next time you check out at Walmart and pay your city tax! Most people seem not to realize this.

Unless, they have an agenda. Project Say Something and Camille Goldston Bennett have an agenda. This group was instrumental in the protest downtown in 2020 at the time of the nationwide protests over the George Floyd death at the hands of Minneapolis police. She and her “group” took up the cause that was sweeping the nation to destroy or move confederate monuments. The one in front of the Lauderdale County courthouse had been at the location since the building’s construction in 1963 and before that in front of the “old” courthouse when it was dedicated at the turn of the 19th century. This group has promoters and detractors. Many people who were even in favor of the cause the group espoused were repelled by the antics of the group downtown. Especially those trying to eat al fresco
downtown on a nice summer evening.

Mrs. Bennett and those associated with PSS like to label anyone who does not agree with their position concerning the confederate monument as racist. Their latest victims are Jimmy Oliver and Blake Edwards. A while back, there was a resolution on the agenda for the council to vote to place a plaque on a small strip of land that the city owns in the block where the county courthouse now stands. The group got enough support from some on the council to get an agenda item at a meeting authorizing the placement of a plaque. At the time of the vote: Michele Eubanks and Kaytrina Simmons voted to place the marker at the courthouse. Blake Edwards, Dick Jordan and Jimmy Oliver voted against the placement. Bill Griffin was “absent” for the meeting.

As I recall, at the meeting Dick Jordan sort of mumbled something about this would need to be approved by the state and Blake Edwards sort of mumbled that the city should not do something that may usurp the county's authority. Did Blake know about news of back taxes owed to the county that had not been revealed at that time? When you owe over 2 million in back taxes for retail alcohol sales that is something to tread lightly with. And Jimmy Oliver stated he did not agree with the first four words on the marker itself: “ALL FLORENCE CITIZENS AGREE” Jimmy does have a point. Not ALL Florence citizens or citizens of any other place on earth could get the entire population to agree on anything. Why not just change the wording? Compromise? Instead, Project Say Something is renting billboards calling council people who did not support them “racist”. I found it really amusing that Camille Goldston Bennett came to the podium for “remarks from the public” and stated she was making a “humble” request. She didn’t pull out a Samurai sword or anything but given the display her group had made public with a BILLBOARD, her "humility” is questionable!

The other points: Garbage rates are going up. The first step for the Eugene Sak/Hard Rock/Reverb hotel got everyone's approval but Michelle Eubanks. Mrs. Eubanks is a councilwoman who follows her conviction. She has tried from Day 1 to bring to light the way Eugene Sak has let the trailer park he owns and rents (Hearn Trailer Park) become a public nuisance. She has succeeded but it appears she is the only person on the council who cares. The others consistently support Eugene Sak.

A funny side note is during the public hearing on those either for or against the “Pig in a Sak” on Court Street, only one person spoke against it. Apostle Billy Ray Simpson warned against supporting the project due to its name. HARD ROCK! It is a good point, come to think of it! The city could find itself between a rock and a hard place if Sak backs out or cannot get the funding. Ask the tenants of Eugene Sak at Hearn Trailer Park!

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