Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Another Pothole Award for Sheffield


Go, Sheffield!!!

The City of Sheffield may never get an Inspiration Landing, but it has once again come in tops in potholes. A Florence resident recently ranked the four towns in reverse order:

Muscle Shoals
Tuscumbia and
Sheffield is last by a pot hole laden mile

We don't envy the next mayor of Sheffield and what he/she will have to face in correcting the mistakes of previous administrations.


One of our readers recently sent us this comment:

If it was good enough for our forefathers it should be good enough for the citizens of Florence - no alcohol sales tax revenue to the county until the citizens of Florence get to vote on the Superintendent of county schools.

We in Florence have Lynn Greer and Phillip Pettus (the first) to thank for losing that vote - just in case you've forgotten. Why do so many continue to vote for the absolute worst candidate on the ballot?


We hit 15,900 followers today. Thanks to each and everyone!


  1. 'Why do so many people continue to vote for the absolutely worst candidate?' I have no idea. You'll have to ask a Democrat why they do so. They're the experts.

    1. Yet, Lynn Greer AND Philip Pettus are BOTH registered republicans. Yes, Democrats of Lauderdale county, why DO you continue to vote for the absolutely worst candidates? Why do republicans? Ignorance and hive mind, heh 1961? When are we going to get out of the "labels" grip? Especially at the local level.

    2. I actually vote in Colbert County. I have also been a registered Independent whenever I've had the opportunity.

  2. Agreed. 'Labels' really shouldn't apply anymore. We need to start voting for the BEST Person for the job and stop voting for Grifters, Thieves, Liars, Traitors, Sleazes and Con Artists. There are a lot of those in ALL Political Parties, so people should take off their Rose Colored Glasses and decide to vote based on what the person stands for ....not some dumb remark they may have made when provoked, but who they truly are ! There are Candidates who love this country, want it to thrive and there are candidates who want to Control everything you Do, Say, Think, Buy and Want. That applies to local yokels as well as National .... Be Smart, America. Turn off that Stupid TV that Lies to you and Twists the Truth everyday. The Networks are being paid by some very Nasty People who have an equally nasty 'Agenda' waiting to pull you into a new kind of Globalist World - A World that I guarantee you won't enjoy ! You may have only one chance to get it Right and Great Again ! Vote Smart, America !!
