Thursday, August 15, 2024

Kronos is Back and He's Looking for his Brother (the WVNA Sign)


Once thought obliterated in an atomic attack in 1957, Kronos has managed to revive and return to earth looking for his younger brother Kranos. After leaving the family fold, Kranos took up residence in the Shoals where he is said to have dug in, taking a job as a weatherman of sorts after crashing in the backyard of Roger Bedford in 1975.

Kranos did well until the flood of 1991, when his health began to deteriorate, but the Darby family considered him an illegal alien and refused him insurance.

Now Kronos is returning, bringing his wrath to the City of Florence. Will new District 2 member Jivin' Jackie Hendrix Jr. save the City by making the Darby family finally assist Kranos?

We'll be checking in on the situation regularly - that is if we're here...

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