Sunday, August 4, 2024

UNA Evicts Student Veterans of America


This is a developing event; today we're publishing just the basics:

1. Student Veterans of America describes itself as: Student Veterans of America® (SVA) is the premier organization leading service, research, programs, and advocacy for veterans in higher education.

2. SVA has had a chapter office on the second floor of the GUC for years. Now the office has been stripped of all furnishings and even personal possessions. No one knows if these items have been stored or possibly even destroyed.

3. According to local SVA officials, they were not informed of the eviction until it had happened, entering their office one morning to find it vacant.

4. NO ONE at the university will admit to authorizing this.

5. A group of international students (name unknown to us at this time) immediately moved in.

6. SVA has been offered no other offices on campus.

We are attempting to get a statement from the university. Part II will be published soon.

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