Monday, August 26, 2024

The Lockhard/Walters/Tahoe Solution


MUSCLE SHOALS, I have a solution to the ever growing mosquito population. Since the incompetent Mayor Lockhard can't manage running the little swamp and the City Clerk Ms. Walters runs the show (along with other things) we have a very simple solution.

The city mosquito fogger that sits idle most of the time needs to be installed on the new $60,000 white Tahoe Mr. Lockhard and the City Clowns bought for Ms. Walters. Note taken, the Ford Explorer that was for City Hall use was a bit smaller and couldn't carry all her family on their escapades, we have to acknowledge, it would not have been adequate for a mosquito fogger.

Therefore, we propose to the good City Government Clowns of Muscle Shoals to force Mr. Lockhard (tongue in cheek) to mount the mosquito fogger on top of the nice sturdy white Tahoe. Ms. Walters and her sidekick put a lot of miles on the white Tahoe running around town to her children's schools, personal errands, medical appointments, out to eat and other such things at the taxpayer's expense. 

A mosquito fogger that automatically turns on when a vehicle is in motion would totally take care of the problem we have that originates from incompetent clowns in City Government. Another thing to consider, perhaps Florence, neighboring cities, Orange Beach, Atlanta, Montgomery, and all the other places they drive that white Tahoe to would help subsidize the gas since they will get free mosquito spraying as well.

Solution to the problem, courtesy of a sensible person in Muscle Shoals. Carry on.

A Muscle Shoals Resident


Today's top story in the TimesDaily is that the annual Labor Day Celebration in Tuscumbia will be back this year. We're sure everyone is surprised at that scoop; this will be the 105th consecutive blowout. 


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