Friday, August 2, 2024

Yes, Ben Shapiro Supports Russell Brand


Ben Shapiro is a very conservative political pundit who delivers a daily podcast on problems in the U.S. We recently mentioned that while we agree with much of what Shapiro preaches, we disagreed with his position on women in at least two cases. When a reader asked us to elaborate, he accused us of lying. Hardly.

One of our major disagreements with Shapiro is his take on rape charges against British comedian/actor Russell Brand (pictured above). The Daily Wire founder felt that the accusations were concocted after Brand turned toward conservative politics.

We asked our readers how many accusations it would take to convince them someone was a rapist. We received only around ten responses, but all said either three or four. How many women accused Brand? At least nine, with two or three accusations referencing sodomy only. All incidents were between 2006 and 2013 and were not reported until October of last year and thereafter.

Shapiro, along with Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson, and Andrew Tate (if you don't know who he is, you should read up on him) claimed that the media has encouraged all these women to lie.

The women had no link to each other and had never told their stories publicly. Even if the media were out to get Brand, it wouldn't make him any less guilty of the rapes. It seems, as was the case of Roy Moore, the right people didn't ask questions until a totally unrelated incident brought Brand to the public forefront once again (a property dispute).

We hope Shapiro takes a long look at the events and reconsiders his stance. He may still count Brand a friend, but to accuse the media of planting these women is an affront to the victims, law enforcement, and every moral stance he claims to espouse.

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