Friday, November 2, 2018

Wrong Direction for Mo

A faithful reader has informed us that our memory was off on Mo Brooks. Our congressman didn't run up the stairs to escape the press, but down.

Somehow we feel we should have instinctively known that...

No matter which way Mo ran, we firmly believe God saved us from Roy Moore.

For those who were disappointed that Doug Jones voted against a man with questionable morals, do you know who was even more opposed to Brett Kavanaugh? Rand Paul (who eventually toed party line and voted "yes"). Hope you don't need your Fourth Amendment rights anytime soon.

For those who say that last item is in the past, we agree that it's at least on a back burner for a few years. For something more current, here's a reader on Phillip Pettus:

I called the House of Representatives in Montgomery and sure enough Pettus voted YES on these bills. Here are the bill numbers
One bill extends the 2 cent gas tax for the next 40 YEARS! That gas tax was suppose to stop at the end of 2018 but Pettus voted “YES” to saddle us with it for 40 more years. I’ll be dead by then and my kids will still be paying that tax. 
The other bill takes $300,000 every year out of our schools for the next 35 YEARS!! That’s over 10 million dollars.
Vote Dolan, he told us the truth now we have to support him. 

Lynn Greer or Lora Kay Morrow? Greer has failed, for several years now, to keep his promise at least to look at healthcare policy in Alabama. We do not need a certificate of need board, yet it's still in place keeping hospitals and other healthcare facilities out of the area. Once the new hospital opens, more and more state of the art medical franchises will wish to locate in Florence. Are we to look forward to years of bickering over their ability to do so? Certificate of need aside, Greer has spent much of his time in Montgomery sending joke e-mails (yes, some have construed his humor as racist, but we will take his side in that issue to say that it's simply in poor taste no matter a person's race).

We're endorsing Lora Kay Morrow for District 2 representative. Morrow isn't a failed reality television producer who thinks she'll dabble in state politics for a few months just to see how it goes. Morrow cares about the Shoals and its citizens. If Lynn Greer had behaved in a halfway decent manner during his time in office, we would not be endorsing Ms. Morrow now...but he didn't, so we think Lora Kay Morrow is an excellent candidate who deserves a chance to represent us!

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