Sunday, November 25, 2018

Giving Tuesday? But Give to Whom?

After Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday, we have Giving Tuesday. If you hadn't planned to give to a worthy cause, you would do well to reconsider. But to whom?

We were just bombarded with ads for a group called Rescue that works with incoming illegal immigrants. How Google determines which ads to send us is totally lost on our meager intellect. 

How about we give to those just a little closer to home. Let's inject here that your money is yours to do with as you see fit, but giving at home improves not only the lives of the recipients, but the lives of the givers as well. So who is worthy?

We don't give to many charities which have a national board. Donations are often eaten up in administrative costs, and much is also allotted to areas away from the Shoals. At the top of the list there is the Salvation Army. There are obviously much more efficient charities which solely serve the Shoals.

Last year we recommended "Room in the Inn." We can't think of a charity that does more immediate good. Here's the link to give:


Again this year, let's also help those who absolutely cannot help themselves:

We Purrlitely Thank You!

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