Thursday, November 8, 2018

Hey, Jerk Face; Yeah, You at Muscle Shoals High

Attention: Chad Holden and Brian Lindsey

Subject: Sexual Harassment of Female Students by Coach X (Otherwise known as Jerk Face)

The sexual harassment of female students is nothing new, but it is something that is no longer acceptable. Sure, some girls like it, but most don't. Just in case you're not sure which particular type of harassment we're discussing today, here's a federal definition of one form that we're told is rampant at Muscle Shoals High School:

Terms of endearment, such as calling a co-worker “honey,” “dear,” “sweetheart,” or some similar expression. (The effect is the primary issue rather than intent. Even if the person “means nothing to you” or you have “used the term for years” you should be aware that such expressions are inappropriate.)

We're assuming even coaches can understand this. If not, we'll be more than happy to do a follow up memo to Holden and Lindsey in which we name some names and relate some examples of teachers behaving badly, being sure to e-mail their wives a copy.

If female students and teachers continue to have this problem, contact us at If any of you wish to carry this further, our friend at the AEA informs us that this is covered under the Alabama Code of Ethics 290-3-2-.05. 

Trusting there will be no cause to address this issue again.

Coming soon: Another visit from the Midnight Rider, the first in a series on the Lauderdale Board of Education, and more election fallout.

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