Thursday, August 24, 2017

Students March Against Kitts and Shields

Earlier today, between 100 and 150 protestors marched from Harrison Plaza to the central campus of the University of North Alabama. Their theme? "Rape is not a joke."

The protestors, overwhelmingly female, listened to speakers from College Democrats and I am That Girl. One who attended told us the impetus for the march was the university's first statement that attempted to place the onus for the sex attack on "Jane Doe."

Just who wrote that first statement? We would certainly like to know. We initially assumed it was the work of university attorneys; however, several have now told us it was possibly David Shields or Kenneth Kitts himself. Whoever wrote the statement should step forward, but we aren't expecting it.

We're not expecting very much coverage of this march in the TimesDaily either. Of would that be "any coverage?"


Just how deep should background checks go? Obviously such checks don't go very far at UNA; however, simply looking at what's available about David Dickerson doesn't say much for his character. need a jet propulsion engine, you really don't care if the man who gives it to you is a Nazi or not. Right or wrong?

Still, did David Dickerson beginning a relationship with a 16 year-old and later sending the child of that marriage to live in Latvia not raise any flags that maybe something was just a little bit off? 

And why in the name of Roar Lions would the university send four students to Florida with only Dickerson as a chaperone? Sure, it's disappointing to have to cancel a student trip, but much better than letting a student be raped.

Or at least it would be to most universities...

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