Friday, January 22, 2016

Another Local Ghost…or Two?

We’ve always wondered why the spirit of an unnamed student who reportedly jumped from an O’Neal Hall window and the ghost of an unidentified construction worker from the 1970s are always presented as UNA’s resident spirits, while a much more dramatic death is never spoken of.

For many years, Prof. Fuller (if anyone has a first name for this longtime university employee, please send it to us) faithfully tended the chimes located in Bibb Graves Hall. He was frequently seen ascending the stairs to look after his charge, or descending after correcting some problem.

Then one afternoon in the 1960s, Prof. Fuller descended in a very non-traditional way and landed in a window well on the north side of the campus. Leatrice Timmons, a noted longtime English instructor, refused to teach in the basement classroom after seeing Fuller land outside her window during the middle of a class.

Fuller’s death was ruled a suicide, and for years no one maintained the university’s chimes. Do they work today? We haven’t heard them recently; if anyone knows please feel free to comment.

Yet we never hear of Fuller’s spirit roaming the administration building where he ended his life. Perhaps a ghost with a real name is somewhat off-putting?


That brings us to the latest ghost tale for downtown Florence. We’ve been told employees at the Florence Public Library often comment that minor accidents are caused by late librarian Terrye Sledge-Terry who tragically lost her life a few years ago after a short battle with ALS.

We have to ask why staff at the library attribute these incidents to Terrye who worked much longer at the Tuscumbia library than she did at Florence. Why attribute them to someone who cared about the local library? Friends who regularly visit the library tell us the most notable problem at that venerable institution seems to be the homeless who congregate during daytime hours and disturb other patrons with their snoring.

For those who do think Terrye haunts the halls of the Florence library? If that’s all you have to worry about, you don’t really have much to worry about at all, do you?


Do ghosts and driving on snow make you...


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