Saturday, July 5, 2014

One Cause of Fatherless Homes...

#1 cause of fatherless homes and one parent involvement in Alabama?

The Supreme Court of Alabama is composed of a chief justice and eight associate justices.

How can one judge clearly cite supporting statues and fundamental protected rights and eight other judges ignore such plain language.

The danger of rubber stamping trial court ruling!  Children with restrictive contact with one of their biological parents account for 63% of youth suicides, 75% juvenile drug abuse, 85% of youths in prison, 71% of school dropouts, 71% of teen pregnancies and 90% of homeless runaway children. Source: Ala. DHR and US Department of Health and Human Services.

Alabama is currently ranked 44th among the 50 states in overall child well-being, based on measures in four categories – (health, education, economic well-being, and family and community).

Approximately 40,000 children in Alabama are annually subjected to child custody determination (court orders that limit children to only 48-54 hours twice a month to visit with one of their parents - this equates to only 4 years out of 19 years of the child's minority).

Surprisingly the #1 cause of fatherless home is court ordered and not the stereotype of deadbeats you so often hear about in the media and from organizations that profit and advocate for children spending time with only one of their parents.


The above article was sent to us by Kenneth Pascal. We, as well as others, have been criticized for using the term "fatherless child." If you don't want to use the term, you don't have to, but if a child has no father present in the home...or there when he needs it, he is essentially fatherless. Think about it.


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