Thursday, May 9, 2013

Liars & the Mentally Challenged

Helen Keller CEO Doug Arnold says that his hospital doesn't oppose RegionalCare's new facility in Lauderdale County. Really? He coulda fooled us. Why file a motion stating HKH opposes the new hospital? The river runs wide and deep.

Several Lauderdale county residents are supporting a boycott of any and all Colbert County businesses. Send us your comments, either in the comment section provided or via e-mail.


We usually make it a point not to comment on the ramblings of a certain blog, but the two bloggers who have made it their life's work to torment a local writer and anyone whom the writer claims as a friend have launched another inane attack on an innocent person. It seems someone's e-mail account was hacked recently. We know several individuals who through the years have had their e-mails taken over by spam artists. It's unfortunate, but it happens. Apparently it happened to one of these two women. Here's her post about it:

 Click to Enlarge

The blacked out areas reference the name of the person whom these bloggers hate and the name of a person whom they accuse of hacking into D.J. Bowers' e-mail. A friend sent us this copy to get our opinion, so we have decided to make it public.

First we looked at the e-mail addy of the sender. It's obvious to anyone with even a modicum of intelligence that it's not a U.S. address. A quick search determined the e-mail was sent from the Netherlands. Looking into it a little more deeply, we find the address belongs to a site called "Ziggo." The site is similar to ComCast or Charter Cable which offers a combination phone, television, and Internet service.

So unless the person Bowers is accusing of hacking her e-mail has a paid Ziggo account in the Netherlands or has hacked into one with a name similar to her own, we're pretty sure these individuals have again accused an innocent person of something he/she would never do.


1 comment:

  1. Concerning the emails, that is paranoia and stupidity at its best.
    Could be a virus? Reported to Comcast? I bet they had their laugh for the day.
