Monday, October 8, 2012

Kathleen Raskin on Lauderdale DHR

We recently received a comment from Kathleen Raskin on her battle with Lauderdale County DHR and Circuit Court. Here's a partial quote:

Since July 20, 2012, when I found myself Judge Billy "Rubber Stamp" Jackson's Kangaroo Court, we're built quite a network of hundreds of people who have the same story over and over and over. It's heartbreaking, and it MUST stop.

We have filmed for TV, and we will appear before a Senate Sub-Committee in January. We are collecting more and more information each and every day with the intent to bring every offender to Justice.

We'll have more as she prepares to testify. It should be interesting. Will it change our system in Lauderdale County and Alabama itself? Obviously no system is perfect, but our local family courts are the targets of constant criticism. Perhaps an overhaul is in order?


For the reader who asked, this from the Alabama Department of Public Safety Sex Offender site:

If the offender was convicted of an offense upon a child under the age of 12, he/she cannot loiter on or within 500 feet of a school, child care facility, playground, park, athletic field, or any other business having a principal purpose of caring for, educating, or entertaining minors.

The law is clear on this. It may be true that an 11 year-old victim had reached puberty, but that fact has no bearing on the law. We don't know what punishment a sex offender could expect for violating this provision. We also don't know why one would be foolish enough to do so.



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