Monday, February 28, 2011

"Remembering Florence" Books Are In

Remembering Florence is now in, and all pre-orders have been shipped. You may order yours at:

We're also pleased to announce there will be an autograph party on Saturday, March 5th, from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. at Ye Ole General Store on Seminary Street across from the post office. We'll see you there.


Remember those infamous 2007 pay raises our state legislature voted themselves? Gov. Bentley wants at least a portion of the raise repealed. Here's one take on it:

Republican Sen. Gerald Dial says he and others will offer a resolution to repeal the raise. But he doubts their proposal will pass because some legislators have become addicted to the higher pay.

Can you say "grandstanding?" If Dial's proposal doesn't pass, perhaps he could lobby for a legislative tag sale. How much would Marcel's $480.00 cart wheel bring? Link
