Thursday, February 17, 2011

Not Sheriff Ronnie Willis' Greatest Week

Sources at the Lauderdale County Courthouse state that Sheriff Ronnie Willis was served last week with three lawsuits, presumably all personal in nature, but involving his position as sheriff. Two of these lawsuits allegedly involve the altercation between Deputies Ronnie Valentine and Terry Woods.

Related posts:

Lauderdale County Deputies Battle It Out

Deputy Terry Woods Charged With Harassment


From a reader:

Re: National Alabama: One can't help but wonder IF the main administrative portion of the plant will ever be finished? It is supposed to house a 400-seat cafeteria, theater for training/sales purposes and even have an elevator, as well as house the executive offices. To date, the floor hasn't been poured, no wiring done, etc, etc, etc. It is also has no security/alarm system installed...yet....leaving the whole plant vulnerable to unauthorized entry. So much for the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on the CCTV/alarm system.


David Darryl Thompson is a drug-dealing murderer. Sadly, yesterday he was sentenced to only 15 years in prison for taking the life of Killen nurse Melissa Kenney Garrett. As soon as Thompson is assigned an AIS number, we will publish it and the address to protest any parole or work release status that Thompson may request.

Will Powell and the Lauderdale County District Attorney's office did a great job in their prosecution of Thompson. Sadly it wasn't enough. We understand that Thompson has quite a criminal record that couldn't be admitted into testimony, but does indicate any freedom he may have down the line will be short lived.

Related post: Who's a Throw-Away Person?
