There was no warning when he came to town;
Chuck was at the ER, and the 3G was down.
The Council was at BK, and the line was long;
Thelma was at home, hanging up her thong.
Santa looked around and shook his head;
Even People's Drugs was empty--the town was dead.
He knew they'd been naughty, knew all their ways;
How could he make it better? He'd give them Rhea Tays!
There was no warning when he came to town;
Chuck was at the ER, and the 3G was down.
The Council was at BK, and the line was long;
Thelma was at home, hanging up her thong.
Santa looked around and shook his head;
Even People's Drugs was empty--the town was dead.
He knew they'd been naughty, knew all their ways;
How could he make it better? He'd give them Rhea Tays!