Thursday, July 22, 2010

To Dye or Not to Dye?

Apparently there's no middle ground when men dye their hair. Perhaps someone should tell Quinton Hanson that the Mel Gibson Look is out this season. (Left-Q. Hanson; Right-Greg Burdine-Candidates for HR District 1)


The Shoals Turn Signal Blues: According to the latest Phewwww Report, 49% of Shoals drivers don't use signals to turn or change lanes; 49% illegally signal for the driver in front of them; and the remaining 2% have given up driving due to nervous breakdowns caused by the other 98%.



By C. R.

The heavy rains have taken a major toll on Cherokee city streets, sewer, and drainage systems. Several citizens have been calling their District 4 Councilwomen Mason complaining about two major drainage problems. Two street coverts have become damaged and allow water to overflow the street. When the water starts to overflow several houses become over run with water. The property owners contacted Councilwomen Mason and asked for help. Councilwomen Mason stated that the problem would have to be presented to the council at a future meeting.

On Sunday Councilwomen Mason went to Mayor Lansdell’s house and informed him of the problem. Monday morning both street coverts were replaced with new and bigger coverts. The problem was fixed within 24 hours of the mayor being made aware of the problem.Councilwomen Mason decided to cross some imaginary line created by the former Mayor Wills and ask for help. The mayor responded very quickly to the request and had the problem fixed.

It appears that everyone on the council has got so tied up trying to protect a loved one's job or to get a loved one a job that they have forgotten what their main job is. To serve the citizens of Cherokee and help them when the need arises. On Sunday Councilwomen Mason put aside all preconceived notions and did what was right. Mason served the citizens of Cherokee and allowed the mayor to do his job, to oversee the city’s workers and allocate its resources. Both street coverts were fixed and a possible law suit was adverted. I would like to thank Mayor Lansdell and Councilwomen Mason for working together and making the citizens of Cherokee the priority for one day. We can only hope that the entire council will learn from this.
