If you're a regular reader of our blog, you know the name Renee' Miskell. Renee' has written several guest commentaries for us in which she has demonstrated her concern for those who are abused and otherwise mistreated.
Now, Renee' and her husband Jeffrey are extending that concern to a large group of animals recently confiscated in Minor Hill, Tennessee. Here is Renee's story in her own words:
We have encouraged Renee' to add Kiwi's Haven to Facebook causes. Those wishing to donate may do so via PayPal. We'll be updating this story once the site is set up.
Photo by Matt McKean
Demise of BlogNetNews: We have been members of the BlogNetNews Alabama site almost since the very inception of our column. We were honored when their sister site Blogophilia named us the best new Alabama Political Blog of 2008.
Sadly, due to lagging revenue, this aggregate of political blogs has bitten the dust. We hope the site owners will be able to find a way to resurrect their website before the November elections.
From C. R.:
Any citizen having a house telephone in western Colbert County is very concerned today. Over the weekend news broke about former Mayor Mignon Willis being allowed to hang around the Cherokee Telephone Company for hours at the time. Furthermore, Willis is being allowed to use the telephone company’s computers that hold personal information about the company’s customers. Monday a flood of concerned customers were calling the home office of the telephone company in Jackson, Mississippi. and complaining about the news. We will have to see what action the telephone company takes.
Because of the ongoing feud between the Burger King Four and the city clerk, Mayor Lansdell believes the citizens are not getting the help they need. If you have called city hall or your councilperson and have not received help, please e-mail the mayor and he will respond to your request. The issue has come up after a house was damaged by backed up sewage. To contact the mayor email, cklansdell@dishmail.net