Here's hoping Trader won't mind if we step on his toes, but we want to introduce our readers to two new enterprises in North Florence, as well as remind them of two older ones. Those of you who frequently traverse Chisholm Road just north of the Seven Points intersection have seen the recent construction at the corner of Chisholm and North Pine Street (formerly Cleveland Avenue).
We're delighted that Frostbite Frozen Treats is now open, and Montagu's will be open within the next ten days. Frostbite specializes in yogurt and will be rotating a large range of flavors and toppings each day. Everyone who has visited so far has had only rave reviews for this new North Florence destination, but one word of warning: The yogurt is strictly gourmet, so expect to pay a little more than you would for the Dannon's at Hometown Market. Once you taste it, we're sure you won't want anything else.
Directly to the west of Frostbite is Montagu's Sandwich Shop. Both shops have the same owners and are connected by a large patio. Since Montagu's hasn't yet opened, we can't offer a review, but if the sandwiches are half as good as their yogurt, you can't go wrong.
Should you not be in the mood for a sub sandwich, that old standby Southern Barbecue is immediately across the street. We've always found Southern's french fries to be the best in the Shoals area, and their chicken fingers hold their own with any served at larger and more formal restaurants.
Another old favorite that's still alive and kicking is the Chat'N'Chew Drive-In just a few miles north on Cloverdale Road in Petersville. They moved into a new location a few years ago, but they still serve the same delicious staples. Our favorite? That would be hard to say, but their sign says 30 varieties of milk shakes. We can't think of anywhere else in the Shoals that offers such a large variety. It's definitely worth the drive.
While we're on the subject of food, Trader Evaluates just published a review of MUG.com in Muscle Shoals. If you've never dropped in to meet Jim and Cindy, we think you'll put it on your list after reading Trader's review.
If you've visited OB's Corner, you know that the Donut Shoppe is one of his favorites. Their new location in the old Wendy's building on Florence Boulevard has been open for several weeks now, but so far we've managed to muster up the will power to drive by without stopping. That is until now; we understand besides donuts, the store sells terrific Monkey Bread. If you're like us, you've never gotten over the loss of Culpepper's Bakery, so the mention of this old favorite should be all it takes to reel in half the Shoals.