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Tibbs' Booking Photo at Top |
First, a letter from an individual familiar with the situation at Vina High School:

So what's the reason for paid leave? He confessed--case closed. It probably doesn't hurt him that he's good buddies with Gary Williams and Richie Hester.
It would also be nice if you'd ask if Vina teachers had possibly been emboldened in these sorts of actions since school officials were pushing to drop the charges against (the last teacher caught having sex with a student).
Just my two cents...these kids are being mistreated with the direct blessing of the administration at all levels and in the Franklin County DA's Office, in every way possible (allowing a teacher to resign instead of firing them, placing them on paid leave instead of unpaid, dropping the charges because the board didn't want the embarrassment and...the list goes on).
WHNT is reporting that Sonny Dewaine Tibbs has been given two weeks to resign or be terminated. In the mean time, he's being paid by the taxpayers of Franklin County and Alabama. We agree with the letter writer: Tibbs confessed to at least three sexual encounters with a 17 year-old student--what else will it take for him to be fired immediately?
A reader has commented that Tibbs and his wife Regina Michelle have only two children--not three as we previously blogged. We're happy to correct that, but it does not change the fact that Tibbs betrayed the trust of his wife, parents, and children.
We learned a long time ago that teachers are just like the general population; there are good ones and bad ones. We simply don't think it should take that much self control to stay away from a teenage girl entrusted to one's care, no matter how many married lovers she may have had.
Just to update some of your information, on the day of Sonny Tibbs arrest he was supposed to have a meeting with Superintendant Gary Williams over some of his behavior. He had mocked an autistic child and called him a monkey after he left the room and he did this in front of a group of students. Obviously he didn't make that meeting. That is another example of what goes on at Vina High School when people are allowed to go on unchecked by the administration. Just ask about the cheerleader sponser and the 17,000.00 dollars that disappeared or bring up the school pat downs of female students by the principal Mr. James Pharr. He may have lied his way out of that on the Huntsville news but there are always the girls that he put his hands on who can tell the truth. Two of them have graduated and have been married since. Claudia Townsend/Tucker and Heavenly Mixon/Hammock. The other is still in school there so she won't be mentioned. Those on the inside know the real truth. Have you ever wondered why Tibbs lost his coaching duties with boys but got to keep his girl track team? Very interesting story there. He got mad at Randy Hester and texted his junior high assistant Richie Hester and told him not to give Randy's son an award in basketball, Richie didn't. When that blew up because the son was the best player on the team, Richie showed the parents the text. Suddenly Tibbs isn't good enough to coach boys, they only want him with the girls and you can see where that ended up.
We usually don't publish names. If either of these women will contact us, we can go from there. We have heard some of this before, but much is new and mind-boggling. Franklin County deserves better.