Steve Holt, aka Mr. Stephen B. Holt (we swear he's listed that way on the Shoals Chamber's web site--thinks a lot of himself, doesn't he?), recently took some hits from us and others for his remarks concerning the recruitment of foreign business in which he used National Alabama as an example. Our quote was: If Mr. Holt, or anyone else, thinks that the RSA's deal with Canada's National Rail Car is a success in any sense of the word, we see the need for more psychiatric treatment centers, not foreign business.
From our friend O.B.: I see the need for new leadership in not only the Shoals CoC, but also the airport board, Florence city council including the mayor, the UNA board of trustees and the Lauderdale Co. commission.
Sources close to Holt say we may not have him to kick around much longer. The City of Huntsville is seeking a new director for its chamber of commerce, and Holt reportedly interviewed and made the short list.
We're happy to announce that the Southland Restaurant in Sheffield has decided to stay open, at least for the immediate future. Their July 11th auction failed to meet the reserve, and the owners are reconsidering selling the landmark eatery. They're currently keeping shorter summer hours, but should be back to regular business hours in the fall.
Yesterday we published a report from C.R. in which he discussed the drug related arrest of Cherokee street/sanitation worker Douglas Michael Williams. We've learned that Williams had warrants for pending assault charges at the time of his employ with the town. We're sure sanitation workers are hard to find, but surely a quick check for recent troubles should be standard pre-hiring policy for any municipality.
From C. R.:
When Cherokee's Burger King Four cut the town’s budget, two employees from the police department resigned within a few months. The council’s solution was to hire two part time police officers at nine dollars an hour, with no benefits.
The old saying is “you get what you pay for”. The town hired two people that no other police department would hire. Do you remember Officer Ambien from Leighton? He shot into a wall, because he thought he saw ninjas in his Sheffield apartment.
After being instructed to stop taking Ambien, the officer failed a drug test given by the City of Leighton, according to sources. Ambien was still in the officers system. The officer was told he no longer worked for the police department.
Officer Ambien worked at the Colbert County Sheriff’s Department before Leighton and had to resign after a car wreck while on duty. Sources inside the department have told me that it had to do with a failed drug test.
Many Cherokee Citizens state that Officer Ambien stays in the tri-cities most of his shift, around the Sheffield area.
The other officer hired, a former Tuscumbia officer, already has problems. Several Cherokee Citizens have complained of the officer illegally searching their cars. One woman stated that she went into the gas station and when she returned the officer was searching her car. She stated that she was never pulled over.
Time for a Drug Test
It is time for the Town of Cherokee to pass an ordinance that would require all town employees and all board members to be randomly drug tested.