It may be known officially as the Florence-Lauderdale Animal Shelter, but we all know that most call it the "Dog Pound." Other animals make their way to this, sometimes last, destination, but dogs more than most due to the leash laws. Make no mistake that we support such laws, but the result is more euthanasia...both for dogs, cats, and other small animals.

Our friend the Brown Recluse recently lost her long-time family member, Peppy--the Mound of Round Hound. She and Ol' Boy decided it was time to acquire another canine companion; Peppy would have wanted that for them. Instead of looking at fancy dog magazines or the TimesDaily classifieds, this wonderful couple visited the shelter and came home with their latest addition.
Here's hoping he makes a wonderful new family member. Here's hoping more will emulate the Browns in their wise choice.
We recently received an e-mail with links to several sites listing the cost of illegal aliens in the U.S. Most of the links were not in service and were unverifiable. We did find that two were still working and are worth looking at:
The High Cost of Cheap Labor
Immigration and Welfare
In other news of non-working links, the site Christie Scott Is Innocent is no longer accessible. Most of the points made by Jeremy Scott concerned issues extraneous to the case itself. Perhaps he has wisely chosen to put his efforts and funds into activities that will have a better chance of securing his wife a second trial.