Our series on Journey into Hope will continue tomorrow.
According to the Law & Order report in Sunday's TimesDaily, Andrew Daniel Scott, 20, of Killen, Alabama, has been arrested in Florence for the possession of a controlled substance (non-marijuana) and related drug paraphernalia. Known as "Hotty Scotty," this Brooks High graduate was a frequent subject in Shoals cyberspace late last year when he attempted to win custody of his illegitimate son. Judge Jimmy Sandlin of the Lauderdale County Circuit Court ruled that the child's custodial parents could proceed with finalizing the adoption, at which point Scott appealed the decision. The case was to have been heard as early as April; however, the direction the Scott/Odom families will now take is unknown.
According to Roger Scott, Andrew's father, the younger Scott has already spent thousands of dollars in legal fees and in preparing a home for the child. According to arrest records, Scott listed his current address as 10 Terrapin Close in Killen, the home of his mother Pam Odom and her current husband.
Whether the conviction of this offense, if it should occur, is a felony or misdemeanor, depends in large part on the amount of drugs involved. In either case, Scott would not be eligible for Federal financial programs to assist in his education for one year after the conviction date. Scott is also scheduled to enroll in the University of North Alabama Nursing School next September. His admittance into this program is in jeopardy as well. Most institutions use the "five year rule," making Andrew Scott, if convicted, ineligible to enter the program until 2015.
It has always been the opinion of us at Shoalanda that the best permanent placement of the child is with the stable custodial parents. We also hope this unfortunate incident is a reminder to us all that actions speak volumes of character, while mere words are often as serpentine as the proverbial snake in the grass.
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