Is it time for some new blood in the Lauderdale County Board of Education? After the events of the past few years, many county voters may think so. For several months, one could not open a newspaper without reading of the legal wranglings of Lauderdale teachers and administrators. A fresh start may restore confidence in this rural system.
Chad Holden of Greenhill has announced his candidacy for Place 2 on the board. Chad identifies himself as an Independent and is the son of Lexie and Sheila Holden; his wife is the former Julia Beth Truitt (in the interest of transparency, we'll note she is a distant cousin of our publisher). Chad and Julia Beth are the parents of a young son and very interested in the direction local education will take in the next decade.
We hope the citizens of Lauderdale County will continue to watch the two Board of Education races and make an informed decision when they cast their ballot. In the mean time, be sure to congratulate Chad on his interest in our children's future, as well as wish him a happy birthday--he'll be 30 on Monday.
What's up with this: We see that Billy Underwood, Chairman of the Democratic Party of Colbert County, has stated the Colbert race for District Judge will be the most hotly contested election in the Shoals this fall. From the vigorous campaigning so far, we agree. All the candidates are relatively young, and the winner may serve in this position for decades. We hope every Colbert County voter will be ready to make an informed decision in this race as well.