Love the Shoals? Want to celebrate your life here? Here are a few "can't live without" products, but we warn you--none of them is made in the Shoals.
1. Muscle Shoals sign on canvas (pictured), 29" x 18", $300.00. From art.com in Lockbourne, Ohio
2. Kilby School hoodie, $40.00. From Schooldigger in Shoreline, Washington
3. Colbert County Indians stein, $24.00. From Zazzle in Redwood City, California
4. Wilson Warriors button, $3.00. From Zazzle in Redwood City, California
5. Red Bay High hockey team towel, $10.00. From the Tiger Shop, (Okay, this one is in Red Bay, but who knew they had a hockey team?)
All nice products, but we're holding out for the Florence Golf & County Club commemorative print on sale next week at Florence City Hall.
Really need a nice custom tee-shirt? Shop locally at Holt Screen Printing, 1100 North Main Street, Tuscumbia, 383-4658. We promise you'll be exceedingly pleased with both product and service.