Yes, Florence artist Martha Beadle has eccentricities, just not any that are disturbing. Her eccentricities come from her needle which she uses to design AbFab pieces of primitive art.
You may view Martha's work at her website, Martha's Needle Eccentricities. Our showcasing of Martha's talent today serves a twofold purpose.
First, Valentine's Day is just around the corner; what better gift for those you love than an original piece of art. Candy and flowers are soon gone, but one of Martha's original creations will be a 365 day-a-year reminder of your love.
Second, tomorrow is Martha's birthday; we believe she will be in the neighborhood of 29, and encourage all her friends to contact her with well wishes.
Florence artist Martha Beadle is truly an asset to the Shoals art community. Thank you, Martha, for all you do!
Our friend Morris Lentz in Rogersville has a puppy he is trying to place. Squirt desperately needs a home before Morris goes bankrupt buying dog food. Thanks, Morris, for your love of animals, as well as your other well-documented heroism.