Camille Bennett of Project Say Something appeared before the work session at the 09/17 Florence city council meeting. She was complaining that the council did not vote to approve the plaque she and the PSS group wanted placed on a strip of city owned land at the Lauderdale county courthouse. She basically came off as a spoiled brat threatening to hold her breath if she didn’t get her way in this reporter's opinion. And she took up 30 minutes of valuable work session time going round and round with the council members who tried to explain to her how democracy works. She finally ran out of steam and sat down. It is disappointing that council president Kaytrina Simmons allowed this display at the work session to happen.
Other city business seemed to be rushed in the remaining 30 minutes due to her decision to let Ms. Bennett spout off on a settled vote. What I still do not understand is her being allowed to come before the council in a work session when she had nothing to be voted on and her name was not listed on the agenda. Can anyone come before a work session and voice their disapproval of prior votes? Where does the line form, Ms. Simmons?
In other business: Item 12 A on the regular agenda read as follows: “Ordinance to approve the Publication of Notice, approving and authorizing the execution of a project development agreement with FOFQZOBONE, LLC. Sponsored by Mayor Betterton”. Confused yet? Maybe as a taxpaying citizen of Florence you are meant to be! This is the long bemoaned and much talked about agreement with Eugene Sak for the city to “back” his supposed “franchise” with Hard Rock/Reverb Hotel to remodel the old Days Inn on Court St. Of course, you would never know that from the wording of the agenda item and the alphabet soup that appears as the company the city is agreeing to do business with.
Evidently, this is one of the many subsidiaries of Eugene Sak. This is the same Eugene Sak who owns many properties in Florence including Hearn Trailer Park on Hough Rd. The condition of this eyesore and the negligence of Sak Properties have been the subject of much debate championed by councilwoman Michele Eubanks. But it seems all her work to expose the condition of the property Mr. Sak owns has been ignored by her counterparts on the council.
The vote on this resolution went exactly as “predicted” with all voting YES except for Ms. Eubanks. Once again, the story comes to mind of the old woman who took in the dying snake. After she nursed it back to health it bit her. When she said: “I fed you and nursed you back to health, why did you bite me?" the snake told her: “Silly woman, you knew I was a snake when you took me in.” Drive through Hearn Trailer Park and you will see the snake. Michele Eubanks did. The ONLY one on the council who did or evidently even cared. But we the taxpayers may feel the bite.
Other than this vote, remarks from the public seemed to be the only other point of interest in the meeting. There were some interesting and very important ones on a wide variety of subjects.
Apostle Billy Ray Simpson addressed the proposed study to complete the College St. Bridge. He complimented the progress. Then talked of racism in the city and country, a general denunciation of hate and finished his speech advocating against animal abuse. “People need to quit sleeping with animals, sick animals especially.” I could only roll my eyes at that statement and did not know whether he was trying to one up Donald Trump or not. Whatever he meant, he sat back down.
A couple of citizens in the audience rose to voice their questioning and disapproval of the roundabout proposed for Gresham Rd. Every time I go around the one at Sweetwater, it seems like a dog chasing its tail to me the way the drivers rush through it. One resident of Hunters Ridge subdivision brought up that if this construction is approved how would the residents be able to enter the neighborhood while the work is going on? There is only one entrance and exit to the area. Another questioned the statement that studies show a traffic light is not warranted, and another stated they had a bass boat as did many others on his street and how were they going to be able to make a roundabout with a large truck pulling a boat? Jimmy Oliver, who is the District 6 councilman, basically told them to contact city engineer Bill Batson during council member remarks.
The most compelling remark came from Mr. Jared Culwell. Mr. Culwell had with him his son, L.J. Culwell. They live on a very busy Florence street. L.J. stood with this father at the podium and Jared explained that he had autism. He also rode the school bus every day to and from school. Mr. Culwell said that he had for years been at the curb of the road waiting with L.J. and when the bus arrived, and all traffic was supposed to stop. Invariably at least every few days there were several drivers who ran the bus stop sign as his child boarded and exited the bus. He said he had complained for years to the city of Florence and although every now and then a patrolman was stationed, nothing has been done about the ongoing problem. He literally feared now that LJ was older and tended to roam more, he would be boarding the bus and struck by a vehicle who had ignored the stop sign on the bus. He has video footage he has posted on social media of drivers ignoring the stop signal on the bus.
Councilman Jackie Hendrix had the idea of a video surveillance system to be installed on certain school buses with routes on busy streets and used whenever the bus makes a stop. Mr. Culwell agreed this would be a good idea but also voiced his concern that he had complained of this situation since LJ first started school as a little boy. Standing next to his dad was a teenaged young man. It should not take that long to find a remedy for this problem it seems to me. And I am sure Mr. Culwell’s patience is wearing thin. This is his child who is in danger. Fix this Florence. Video surveillance is a start but add stiffer fines to the equation and let’s see if we cannot slow down these dangerous drivers!

There appeared to be more input from the public than usual at this meeting. It was very uplifting and made me feel that perhaps the work that this reporter and others are doing to get citizen participation in local government is paying off. Whether it is or not; I end with a Public Service Announcement. SPAY AND NEUTER YOUR PETS! And pat your dog on the head and tickle your cat’s ears. Don’t eat them or go to bed with them. Stop animal abuse!